On Tuesday former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Je diGenova joined Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese on Mornings on the Mall on WMAL radio.
During his interview diGenova announced the declassification process will begin this week. AG Bill Barr is getting it ready to come out.
Joe diGenova added that this is a criminal investigation of senior DOJ and FBI officials under Obama.
Joe diGenova: By the way, the declassification process will start this week. There are going to be documents released I think by Wednesday. The Attorney General, as I understand it, is in the process of getting it ready to come out. There are going to be some of the Devin Nunes documents he requested and then a series of other releases will come after that. Because Durham is progressing very, very quickly in his criminal investigation. This is not a “view” of what went on. This is a criminal investigation of senior DOJ and FBI officials from the Obama administration and intelligence people including John Brennan. This is a federal grand jury. This is not a review. This is not an IG audit. This is not some congressional research group look at history. This is a criminal investigation of a bunch of people who tried to seditiously overthrow the president.
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