RINO Senator Mitt Romney (UT) said on Monday that President Trump “fell far short” of his duty to unite Americans when he called the Communist, America-hating Congresswomen and told them to leave the county.
NBC Boston reported:
In an exclusive interview with NBC10 Boston Monday, Romney also took aim at the group of women known as “the squad” that includes Reps. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.
“I certainly feel that a number of these new members of Congress have views that are not consistent with my experience and not consistent with building a strong America,” the Utah Republican said at Boston Logan International Airport.
“At the same time, I recognize that the president has a unique and noble calling to unite all Americans regardless of our creeds, or our race or the place of our national origin, and I think in that case, the president fell far short with his comments yesterday.”
Romney did not say whether he believed Trump’s tweets were racist. He walked away and told reporters, “That’s all I’ve got.”
Nothing Trump tweeted was racist.
The President was bold and direct when he called out the America-hating Communist lawmakers that make up the freshman Democrat “squad.”
For months freshman Democrats known as ‘the squad’ including Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Pramila Jayapal have been trashing America and Israel on a near-weekly basis.
President Trump said what we are all thinking. If these lawmakers hate this country, they can get the hell out and go live in 3rd world countries without functioning governments.
The America-hating “squad” held a presser on Monday afternoon where they showed their true colors.
In an appalling public statement Monday, radical Dem Rep. Ilhan Omar refused to condemn Islamic terrorists when asked if she is “pro Al-Qaeda.”
Omar, who appears to have married her own brother in order to defraud the US immigration system, had the nerve to call for President Trump’s impeachment.
It’s way overdue for a robust investigation into Ilhan Omar’s shady marriage, immigration and tax returns.
The post FIGURES. RINO Romney Says Trump “Fell Far Short” of His Duty to Unite Americans When He Called Out Anti-American Congresswomen appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.