
Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 Lunge Gets Abruptly Interrupted by a Question of Her American Indian ‘Honesty’

- Juli 19, 2019

[Screenshot from GOP War Room, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=18&v=-980v-2Ez1U]


In March, I covered Elizabeth Warren blaming her family for making her think she was an American Indian.

What if they’d told her she was Chinese?

Did they not have mirrors in Oklahoma? Or Massachusetts? Or anywhere else she’s lived?

As reported by Fox, on Thursday at a town hall event in New Hampshire, the idea resurfaced. A woman inquired of the 2020 hopeful about “honesty” regarding her heritage:

“How do you overcome the bridge with voters like me who like you, who like your plans, who like what you have to say but I have concerns about your honesty?”

Elizabeth Radecic, who asked the question, explained that — as a mother to two black children — she’d grown to further appreciate Affirmative Action. Squaw Warren had, in Radecic’s view, disrespected such programs by claiming she was an Indian in order to snag a Harvard job.

Elizabeth W. tried to woke up in front of the crowd.

She also gave a nod to the DNC’s return to the days of segregation — there are only two races: white and non-white, now called “people of color.”

“[I] shouldn’t have done it. I am not a person of color. I am not a citizen of a tribe and I’ve apologized for any confusion over tribal sovereignty, tribal citizenship, and any harm caused by that.”

Oddly, the senator released DNA testing results not so long ago, which revealed she was as little a 1/1,024 American Indian.

Somehow, that proved she was a descendant of an American tribe.

Activist Rebecca Nagle excoriated the release:

“Native,” of course, is a misuse of the term. All who are born in the U.S. are native Americans. The American Indians were not, as the idea goes, originally from North America. Experts believe they migrated to the North American continent from Asia via the Bering Strait (read more here).

We’re all the descendants of migrants. And we’re (virtually) all Native Americans. And Elizabeth Warren is very silly.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

See 3 more pieces from me:

Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz Announce New Legislation Allowing Victims Of Violence To Sue Sanctuary Cities

Michelle Trumpets Obama’s Scandal-Free Presidency, Laments The Whiteness Of Trump’s Inauguration

Ridiculous Roundup: The Media Filled Its Pants Over America’s 4th Of July Celebration – Before It Even Happened

Find all my RedState work here.

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