
A Woke Medical Doctor Was Asked Point Blank: What is a Man? His Answers Were Stunning

- Juli 17, 2019



Animals know a male when they see one. Same goes for a female.

Are human beings losing that ability?

One doctor has lost it.

As I covered Monday, noted anti-Trump physician Eugene Gu got wedgied on Twitter over his claim that “men can get pregnant and have abortions” (here).

How about the most woke people in America have a meeting over what defines male and female; and how about they have it naked?

It should be a short meeting.

Eugene had posted the following:

Subsequently, conservative writer Matt Walsh asked the good doctor a simple question:

Here’s what the medical man had to say:


Matt tried again:

It’s quite the doggone thing when, in a nation founded upon free speech, the strangling cultural Marxism of wokism has made a doctor — a doctor, for Pete’s sake — afraid to say there is such a thing as a man.




Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

See 3 more pieces from me:

Lesbian Couple Identifying As Straight Couple Prepares To Transition 5-Yr-Old Son Into A Daughter

Straight Texas Couple Identifying As Gay Male Couple Conceive A Baby Boy, But They’ll Never Do It Again

Comedy Central Writer Wishes For The Murder Of Justice Kennedy

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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