
Trump Attorney John Dowd: Entire Report by Mueller is a Fraud – We’re Going to Find More False Statements (VIDEO)

- Juni 03, 2019

On Friday evening Deep State Federal prosecutors released the full transcript from President Trump’s attorneys to General Michael Flynn’s attorneys.

Mueller and Weissmann used the phone call as evidence that Trump was attempting to interfere with the special counsel Russia collusion witch hunt.

The Hill reported:

Federal prosecutors have released the full transcript of a voicemail from one of President Trump’s attorneys to an attorney for Michael Flynn that special counsel Robert Mueller examined as part of his obstruction inquiry.

The voicemail was left for Robert Kelner, a lawyer for the former national security adviser, after Flynn withdrew from a joint defense agreement with Trump’s attorneys and began cooperating in Mueller’s investigation.

According to the voicemail transcript, Trump’s lawyer asked Flynn’s attorney for a “heads up” if he knew of information that “implicates the president,” describing it as a “national security issue.” The president’s attorney also said that Trump’s feeling toward Flynn “still remains.”

Mueller examined the voicemail as part of his investigation into whether Trump or others obstructed justice, in which Flynn provided information. Mueller ultimately did not make a decision on whether Trump obstructed the investigation.

After the call was released several internet sleuths compared the call transcript to the transcript published in the Mueller report.

Robert Mueller and his hitman Andrew Weissmann manipulated the transcript and lied about the call.

This is more proof the deep state used any means possible including lying to get Trump.

Rosie Memos discovered the Mueller-Weissmann edited the report to make it look more damaging.

Via Rosie Memos: Once again #MuellerReport edited messages to make them appear more damaging, full transcript of this phone call reveals Dowd’s message was pretty typical for a lawyer and he clearly states he’s not interested in any confidential info. What else did they manipulate

Conservative Treehouse later explained: Notice how Mueller leaves out (via edits) the context of the call, and the important qualifier: “without you having to give up any confidential information.” Clearly Dowd does not want to interfere in Flynn’s cooperation with the special counsel, which is opposite to the twisted claim presented by Weissmann and Mueller’s report.

Attorney Techno Fog got a response from John Dowd last night about the Mueller-Weissmann manipulations.

Mueller and Weissmann lied in their report to get President Trump and General Flynn.

On Monday former Trump Attorney John Dowd joined Sean Hannity to discuss the recent revelations that the Mueller Report lied about his call to General Flynn’s attorneys.

John Dowd told Sean the entire Mueller Report is a fraud.

And John Dowd pointed out that the Mueller Team indicted Trump associates for far less than their manipulated and false statements in their report

Attorney John Dowd: I had an obligation as counsel to the president and I’m so glad Judge Sullivan ordered the transcript because we now know the truth. And we also know that this entire report by Mueller is a fraud. And we’re going to find more of these things. Isn’t it ironic that this man who kept indicting and prosecuting people for process crimes committed a false statement in his own report by taking out half my words the changed the tenor and the contents of that conversation with Robert Kelner. And it’s an outrage and there’s probably more of it.

Via Hannity:

The post Trump Attorney John Dowd: Entire Report by Mueller is a Fraud – We’re Going to Find More False Statements (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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