
Former “Justice Democrats” Backed Candidate Publicly Proclaims to Hate White People

- Juni 03, 2019

The “Justice Democrats,” made famous by its involvement with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and far-left candidates, at one point brought a young woman forward to run for office in Colorado, and now the failed candidate is telling people on Twitter just how much she hates white people.

Former Democratic congressional candidate Saira Rao seemed to have a bit of a meltdown on Twitter and made it clear that the sight of the American flag makes her sick.

This was then followed by Rao blaming white people for her misery.

“White people have done everything to make my life miserable. Yet I’m supposed to not hate white people?” tweeted Rao.

Rao attempted to run for Congress in Colorado but was handily defeated by incumbent and white woman, Diana DeGette.

According to the Daily Caller, who first reported this, Rao did not take her defeat well and blamed white people for it, even going so far as to blame the Democrat party for being too light on racism:

After her primary defeat, Rao said that she was ready to “give up” on white people, blaming them for her loss. Before her loss, Rao also wrote an open letter to the Democratic party in the Huffington Post, ripping them for not doing enough to combat racism.

“You’ve taken my love, my money, my tokenism, with nary anything in return,” she said. “You continue to call angry white men who commit mass murder ‘lone wolves.’ But if someone who looks like me screams ‘Allah’ and fires a gun, it’s “terrorism.”

Rao has founded a club called “race to dinner,” where she invites white women to eat and “bear witness” to the pain of black and brown women according to the Daily Caller.

This is a pretty cut and dry example of just how radical the left has become, and how organizations like the Justice Democrats tie themselves to extremists on the left like Ocasio-Cortez.

The post Former “Justice Democrats” Backed Candidate Publicly Proclaims to Hate White People appeared first on RedState.


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