
Dalai Lama Says If Woman Is His Successor She Needs to Be Attractive – Nobody Likes to Look at a “Dead Face”

- Juni 30, 2019

The Dalai Lama is in hot water after he told a reporter a woman could be his successor but she needs to be attractive.

The Dalai Lama added, most people would prefer not to look at a “dead face.”

Then he laughed and made this face:

Oh my! The radical feminists are going to eat him alive.

Yahoo.com reported:

The Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, and the 14th person to hold the title, made waves this week when he said his successor, if a woman, needs to be physically attractive.

“You once said that you would be open to a female successor,” BBC News reporter Rajini Vaidyanathan asked the religious leader, in a video interview published Thursday on Twitter.

“That’s also possible,” the Dalai Lama confirmed.

“You also told one of my colleagues that, that female must be attractive, otherwise it’s not much use,” she continued. “…Can you see why that comment upset a lot of women?”

The Dalai Lama answered, “If a female Dalai Lama comes, she should be more attractive.” If not, “people, I think prefer, not see her, that face.”

The post Dalai Lama Says If Woman Is His Successor She Needs to Be Attractive – Nobody Likes to Look at a “Dead Face” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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