Geez. What’s wrong with this guy?
Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims — known previously for flipping the bird to the Vice President of the United States (here) and who just days ago harassed an elderly pro-life lady (here) — is on a roll.
A video from three weeks ago surfaced Monday showing the nut offer his online audience $100 if they can identify three teenage girls praying for babies outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in southeastern Pennsylvania.
In the process, he condemns the girls with the greatest insult of all:
“Look — a bunch of white people standing outside of Planned Parenthood…”
The lawmaker really hates white people: In another clip I featured Monday, he downed a pro-lifer for being “an old white lady” (here).
Dear Brian:
You’re white, doofus.
If white people are no good to be doing anything, why aren’t you stepping down in shame? Give another, better race a shot at your seat.
This is not the first time @briansimspa has harassed pro-life women.
Three weeks ago, Brian Sims offered viewers $100 to doxx these teen girls:
"I’ve got $100 to anybody who will identify these three, and I
will donate to Planned Parenthood"— (@LifeNewsHQ) May 6, 2019
How have we arrived at a point so dumb that white people think they’re getting a leg up in the political argument by accusing the opposition of being white people?? See more absurdity here, here, here, and here.
Brian’s apparently caught up in something that’s really taken hold of politics lately: saying things that sound good to the oneself despite making no sense whatsoever (here). After his racial insult, one of the girls — who’s dark-skinned — points out, “I’m pretty far from white.”
Also in the video, the elected official explains that the girls who are praying for the unborn aren’t Christians:
“What we’ve got here is a bunch of protesters, a bunch of pseudo-Christian protesters who’ve been out here shaming young girls for being here.”
He offers a c-note:
“So here’s the deal, I’ve got a $100 for anyone who will identify any of these three.”
A woman with the girls explains:
“We’re actually here just praying for the babies. And we actually believe women deserve more.”
He also accosts a pro-life dude.
As noted by The Daily Wire:
After the three teens and the female adult left the area, presumably because of Sims’s antics, the Democrat approaches a male pro-lifer outside the clinic and demands his name and address. After the man calmly complies, Sims asks him why he thinks it’s “okay to tell women what’s right for their bodies.” Before the man can answer, the representative tells him he’s “not really asking” because he “[doesn’t] care.”
“Shame on you” he tells the young man.
Brian goes on to refer to the girls’ efforts as “attacks.”
Yeah — they’re the ones on the attack.
Good grief.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
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Flat Earth International Is Holding A Conference, & They’re Doing It The Most Dangerous Way Possible
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The post WATCH: More Harassment from PA Rep. Brian Sims, This Time of Teenage Girls Plus the Threat of Doxxing Them appeared first on RedState.