
Every House Democrat Voted to Crush the Dreams of Women Athletes with the Ironically-Named ‘Equality Act’

- Mei 19, 2019

[SCREENSHOT FROM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP8hEKxCZOM]


The party claiming to be all for women just voted to be all against women.

On Friday, via a 236-173 vote in the Democratically-controlled House of Representatives, every single Dem thumbs-upped the ironically-named Equality Act, which guarantees women will not have equal access to athletic success by allowing men to crush ’em in every area of sports.

Way to go, misogynists.

Also, an aside: Generally, any time there’s a governmental measure with a name that sounds aggressively, euphorically positive, look out, Jack. If Congress ever comes up with the “For Your Own Good” bill, fight that thing with all ya got. Euphemisms and government go hand-in-hand.

As for Friday’s ballots, 8 Republicans crossed over to also demand girls get obliterated by guys.

The legislation was sponsored by every House Democrat but one: Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, who eventually declared his anti-woman support.

Specifically, the bill amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” protected traits under federal law.

One impact will be the mandate upon all public schools to allow dudes who say they’re chicks to pummel chicks via superior size, strength, and speed.

At the last minute, Republican Florida Rep. Greg Steube attempted to make a change that would protect female sports teams via the preservation of the Education Amendments of 1972’s Title IX.

But Democrats put the kibosh on that.

In an op-ed Thursday, Republican Arizona Rep. Debbie Lesko warned of the bill’s repercussions:

“People need to wake up. This radical bill is going to totally eliminate women’s and girls’ sports.”

Hey, wait a minute: I thought Democrats have a moral imperative to #BelieveAllWomen, and Debbie’s got woman parts (presumably, they didn’t even require the use of fishhere).

So how can Dems go against her?

Guess that “pro-woman” thing was a buncha crap.

In a move to make sense, during a press conference the day before the vote, Republican Missouri Rep. Vicky Hartzler called the measure the “Inequality Act.”

She also said this:

“Congress enacted Title IX to provide equal opportunities for women in education and sports. All this is erased under H.R. 5.”

Women are being trampled under the feet of Democratic officials. As it appears to me, politicians on the blue side of the aisle’s seemingly blind allegiances to grabbed-at victim groups have positioned them unworkably: They can’t be for women and also for transgender athletes competing as they self-identify; they can’t be anti-Nazi and also anti-Semitic; they can’t be pro-women’s rights and also pro-Sharia.

And soon, it may be true that you can’t be a girl athlete and excel — because, despite your fit 130 pounds, there’s a 230-pound gorilla who’s about to beat his chest and dominate. All in the name of equality.

So demands the party of women.

As I’ve pointed out before, if men are allowed to compete against women, this is the reality: There are girls who would’ve otherwise become great athletes who won’t find that spotlight, won’t break that record, won’t get that scholarship…women who won’t have those careers, won’t be those role models.


Wanna know which Republicans voted against the chromosomally-XX among us? Here’s a list:

Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)
John Katko (NY)
Tom Reed (NY)
Elise Stefanik (NY)
Susan W. Brooks (IN)
Mario Diaz-Balart (FL)
Will Hurd (TX)
Greg Walden (OR)



Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

See 3 more pieces from me:

It Takes Balls: Man Competes In Women’s Powerlifting, Sets Four World Records

#DefeatAllWomen: Man Wins Women’s Cycling Competition (Plus: The Future Of Sports)

Heritage Foundation Director Suspended From Twitter For The ‘Hateful Conduct’ Of Saying Men & Women Are Different

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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