
British Media Claims UK Voted to Remain In the EU, Nigel Farage Promptly Corrects Them

- Mei 28, 2019

The British people have repeatedly indicated that they want the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, and once again proved it during the recent elections that voted overwhelmingly for a six-week-old Brexit party headed by Nigel Farage.

During an interview with Good Morning Britain, Farage was being interviewed about his party’s victory and what it means. Halfway through, however, the GMB hosts stated that the majority of voters wished to remain as indicated that they were more in number if you add up the votes of other parties.

Farage shot back, calling the claim “absolute tosh.”

“If you add up all the pro-remain parties they did gain a bigger percentage,” noted the GMB hostess.

Added up, the pro-remain parties garnered 31.8 percent of the vote and noted that the Brexit party obtained 31.6 percent.

“This is absolute tosh,” began Farage. “If you want to do it that way-”

“Well, that’s the facts,” said the hostess, cutting Farage off.

“Well, it’s not a fact, alright?” said Farage. “Add up the Brexit party vote. Add up the UKIP vote.”

The hostess attempted to cut him off again by restating the Brexit vote number of 31.6 percent, but Farage wasn’t having it.

“Let me finish. Add up the UKIP vote. Add to that the Conservative vote, who still are a party that says we’re going to leave, and you will find that leave beat remain,” said Farage.

“In fact, what you find overall is that right now the country is 52/48 in favor of leaving,” continued Farage.

“We’re supposed to be a Democracy. We were promised this would be implemented,” he added. “And I’m really tired of all these remainers constantly moaning about every single election which they lose.”

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