
BREAKING: Judge Orders Portions of Mueller Report Unredacted – Then Released to Public

- Mei 17, 2019

Robert Mueller

US District Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered portions of Mueller’s unredacted report to be released to the public.

Judge Sullivan ordered portions of Mueller’s report related to General Mike Flynn to be made public by May 31, 2019, the Associated Press reported.

The judge also ordered transcripts of Flynn’s late 2016 calls to Russian Ambassador Kislyak to be released.

“[A]nd the transcripts of any other audio recordings of Mr. Flynn, including, but not limited to, audio recordings of Mr. Flynn’s conversations with Russian officials, by no later than May 31, 2019,” the full docket text read.

“The government further ordered to file on the public docket in this case by no later than May 31, 2019 and uredacted version of those portions of the report that relate to Mr. Flynn,” Judge Sullivan wrote.

This is the first court order forcing the DOJ to release portions of Mueller’s redacted report to the public.

Judge Sullivan on Thursday also unsealed General Flynn’s records and a government memo detailed the “significance and usefulness” of Flynn’s cooperation.

As expected, Mueller and the media spun a voicemail President Trump’s personal counsel left for Flynn as a possible effort to obstruct the General’s cooperation with the special counsel.

General Flynn’s late 2016 phone calls to Kislyak were unmasked then illegally leaked to the Washington Post — Flynn was then ambushed by two FBI agents, Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka without his lawyers present and he was ultimately fired from his job as NatSec Advisor.

Mueller and his team of angry Democrat thugs charged Flynn with making a false statement to the feds even though Flynn didn’t lie.

It is also widely believed that there was a FISA warrant on General Flynn — the president should issue Flynn a full pardon and prosecute every corrupt official who illegally targeted Flynn for ruin.

Flynn is still awaiting sentencing after being harassed by Mueller and Obama’s corrupt officials for the past several years.

The post BREAKING: Judge Orders Portions of Mueller Report Unredacted – Then Released to Public appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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