It’s official.
After the DOJ called Jerry Nadler’s bluff on document production of materials they can’t legally release, House Democrats have officially held Bill Barr in contempt of Congress.
Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee approved a resolution to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress.
“No person—and certainly not the top law enforcement officer in the country—can be permitted to flout the will of Congress and to defy a valid subpoena,” said Committee chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York. “ It is our constitutional duty to respond.”
The panel voted to approve the resolution 24 to 16 along party lines.
There’s a lot of argument about just how valid it is to issue a subpoena for material that is illegal to provide, in this case grand jury testimony. Now the court battle begins and it’ll likely last past the 2020 election.
Despite all the bloviation coming from the left side of the aisle, no one is hauling Bill Barr off to jail when executive privilege has been exerted. While the media were mostly chastized Republicans when Eric Holder was held in contempt, you can expect the completely opposite reaction regarding Barr.
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