
Black Voter DESTROYS Trump-Hater Justin Amash: It’s Bewildering That You Can Treat the President in this Way When He’s Doing Such a Great Job for Minorities!

- Mei 31, 2019

Never Trumper Justin Amash held a town hall on Wednesday night back home in Michigan.

Amash is the first “Republican” to push for President Trump’s impeachment. Amash frequently lobs attacks at the Republican president.

During his town hall a black voter took the microphone, praised President Trump and blasted the RINO lawmaker.

Black voter to Amash: President Trump has defined Republicans and Democrats pretty good. And what I’m seeing for black community and minorities is that Trump is good for America. And I’m wondering why the Republicans and Democrats are fighting him so much when he’s doing such a good job? And you’re demonizing him, you’re demonizing him on something that you know is not true. It’s just bewildering to me that you can treat a President of the United States in this way especially when he’s doing such a good job for minorities and black people.

Amash immediately dismissed what the black voter said.

This voter is much better informed than Rep. Amash.

The post Black Voter DESTROYS Trump-Hater Justin Amash: It’s Bewildering That You Can Treat the President in this Way When He’s Doing Such a Great Job for Minorities! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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