
Roger Stone: Barbara Bush a Mean Spirited, Nasty and Entitled Woman Who Lied About Me

- April 08, 2019

Over the past few days, lots of drama has come out of Susan Page’s book featuring Bush’s personal diaries. Aside from people like Adolf Hitler, political leaders and their families are generally remembered favorably or at least with kindness following their expiration from this earthly realm.

In the age of Trump Derangement Syndrome, it has been bizarre to see how the mainstream media and their political counterparts have relentlessly lionized the Bush family after years of rightfully trashing them as the war mongering psychopaths that they are.

Since it was revealed that Barbara Bush kept a countdown clock in her bedroom to mark the end of the Trump presidency and wrote in her son Jeb, President Trump has acknowledged that she was right to be “nasty” to him… considering what “he did to her sons.” Of course, nobody can forget how brutal and beautiful it was to see Donald Trump defeat “low-energy” Jeb. If she has a right to be nasty to other people, we have the right to be as painfully honest right back at her.

Longtime Trump advisor and confidante Roger Stone took a more aggressive, albeit truthful approach, citing his interactions with Barbara Bush who he has described as “nasty” and “entitled” He also addressed her false statements regarding his involvement in the Bush 88 campaign for president.


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In her recently published diaries Barbara Bush claims that when she heard that I had been “hired” by her husband’s 1988 campaign for President she called her husband and had me “ fired”. The problem with this lie is that I did not work on her husband’s 1988 campaign and never wanted to. I did, at Jim Baker’s request go to California for the last two weeks of the race to troubleshoot the state campaign there eventually helping Bush triumph over Dukakis by 1 % . After the election I received a nice hand-written note from George H.W. Bush thanking me for my last minute assistance. Barbara Bush was a mean spirited , self important , nasty and entitled woman bitter over her husband’s long term and quite public affair with the frowsy Jennifer Fitzgerald . I now understand why Nancy Reagan hated her so much. #stonecoldtruth

A post shared by Roger Stone (@rogerjstonejr) on Apr 3, 2019 at 10:16pm PDT

Not surprisingly, the mainstream media and progressive hacks who once hated the Bush family with a passion, attacked Stone for attacking Barbara Bush. But let’s be clear, Barbara Bush decided to write those things in her diaries and to allow them to be published after her death. She isn’t royalty and had a history of treating people like shit, according to Stone.

And if you are sympathizing with Barbara Bush, we should remind ourselves of how Barbara Bush skipped Nancy Reagan’s funeral because she was “too sick,” yet she ended up campaigning for her son Jeb the next day. She didn’t care about the party or people, she cared about power and maintaining the Bush stranglehold on the Republican Party.

Stone made note of this in another Instagram post holding Bush accountable for her actions.

Barbara Bush was as cold as ice. She hated President Trump and continued to work against him until her last breath.

As Roger Stone put it… she’s dead and Trump is president… who won that one?

The post Roger Stone: Barbara Bush a Mean Spirited, Nasty and Entitled Woman Who Lied About Me appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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