Laguna Beach, People’s Republic of California, seems bound and determined to help President Trump get re-elected in 2020. From yesterday’s LA Times,
A decision to affix an American flag graphic to the side of freshly painted Laguna Beach police cars is dividing residents who are alternately praising the image as patriotic or panning it as too aggressive.
After hearing the criticism and acknowledging that the image they approved didn’t quite match the final results, officials agreed to reconsider their February decision to paint the Laguna Beach Police Department’s fleet of 11 squad cars. The City Council will take up the issue again at its Tuesday meeting.
Further down, the leftist’s “reasoning”
Artist Carrie Woodburn went to the podium at the March 19 council meeting and said it was “shocking to see the boldness of the design” when the newly painted Ford Explorers rolled out.
“We have such an amazing community of artists here, and I thought the aesthetic didn’t really represent our community,” Woodburn said. “It feels very aggressive.”
Please keep this up Democrats. Please do. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome and its concomitant symptoms such as the Times article shows, just pushes more undecideds into the Trump camp. It’s also nudging not more than a few Democrats our way, especially the demographics the leftists rely on, like Blacks and Hispanics, both of which are starting to move towards Trump.
Even a Lawyer can see this.
Attorney Jennifer Welsh Zeiter said at the last council meeting that she found the police cars “exceptional” and questioned the loyalty of anyone who objected to the American flag display.
“They are so filled with hatred toward this … office of the president of the United States and the current occupant of that office, that they cannot see through their current biases to realize that a police vehicle with the American flag is the ultimate American expression,” she said.
It’s stuff like this that is gonna see president Trump gain electoral votes in 2020.
Mike Ford is a retired Infantry Officer who writes on Military, Foreign Affairs and occasionally dabbles in Political and Economic matters.
Follow him on Twitter: @MikeFor10394583
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