
FIREWORKS! Mike Huckabee Calls For April Ryan’s White House Credentials to be Revoked For Saying Sarah Sanders’ Head Should be “Lopped Off”

- April 20, 2019

April Ryan

Mike Huckabee sprung into action Friday to defend his daughter, White House Press Sec Sarah Sanders after CNN’s April Ryan called for Sanders’ head to “lopped off.”

April Ryan demanded Sarah Sanders be fired over a discrepancy in a statement she made about the rank and file at the FBI losing confidence in Comey.

April Ryan flipped out over Sarah Sanders’ statement (via NewsBusters):

“Not only does she not have credibility, she lied. She out and out lied,” she declared as emotion welled up in her voice. “And the people, the American people can’t trust her. They can’t trust what’s said from the President’s mouthpiece-spokesperson from the people’s house. Therefore, she should be let go. She should be fired, end of story.”

Things got very dark as Ryan rhetorically suggested that since there was “a lack of credibility there, you have to start and start lopping the heads off.” She added: “It’s fire me Thursday or fire me Good Friday. She needs to go.”

Mike Huckabee was furious over April Ryan’s statements about his daughter.

“So liberals—is this okay? Does CNN have the integrity to deal with this incitement to murder? CNN’s April Ryan Says Sarah Sanders’ Head Should Be “Lopped Off”” Mike Huckabee said in a tweet Friday evening, linking to an article from Red State.

Huckabee followed up by calling for April Ryan’s White House credentials to be revoked. “If not, they are gutless tools,” Huckabee said of the White House Correspondents’ Association.

April Ryan clapped back at Mike Huckabee in a series of tweets Friday evening.

April Ryan tweeted to Huckabee that he will not get into heaven.

Ms. Ryan then called Huckabee and Sarah Sanders liars.

Ryan then fired off a warning shot to Mike Huckabee!

This isn’t the first time April Ryan has viciously attacked Sarah Sanders.

April Ryan previously accused Sarah Sanders of wanting to poison her with her homemade pecan pie, also known as #PieGate.

The post FIREWORKS! Mike Huckabee Calls For April Ryan’s White House Credentials to be Revoked For Saying Sarah Sanders’ Head Should be “Lopped Off” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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