
Chicago Makes History By Electing City’s First Black Lesbian Mayor …Radical Progressive Left Hardest Hit

- April 04, 2019


Guest post by Bright Start News

Chicago made history by electing their first gay black female mayor.

And it wasn’t even close!

Among all of the people celebrating, you might think the Progressive left in Chicago would be doing backflips of joy right now.

You’d be wrong!

The progressive left is coming unglued. Turns out, Lori Lightfoot is pure evil in a black lesbian’s body, diabolically sucking resources and harming communities.

She loves and has worked to protect the very systems that suck resources and harm our communities.

Chicago Dyke March took a jab at the Jews while attacking Lightfoot

Lightfoot continues to weaponize her identity as a Black lesbian to paint herself and her terrifying platform as “progressive,” a tactic we similarly see in Israel’s pinkwashing efforts, and we cannot afford to fall into this trap. Policing, gentrification, housing, immigration, schools, and mental health are all issues that disproportionately impact queer and trans people of color, and Lightfoot’s stances in these areas have been heinous.

From the DSA statement:

Chicago DSA supports the call to #StopLightfoot being led by young queer organizers of color, the very same who have be leading the fight against racist policing and police violence in our city for the last several years.

As laid out in detail on StopLightfoot.com, Lori Lightfoot is not the progressive she claims to be; she is a career defender of the carceral state and the interests of powerful corporations. It is this same career that has led Lightfoot to accumulate immense individual wealth.

They’re OBSESSED with Lori Lightfoot and sucking:

She is going sucking resources out of marginalized communities and build cop academies.

There are exactly ZERO Republicans in elected office in Chicago now, and that’s not far enough left for the left.


The post Chicago Makes History By Electing City’s First Black Lesbian Mayor …Radical Progressive Left Hardest Hit appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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