
WATCH: Actress Jennifer Lawrence, Who Quit School at 14, Begins her Plan to ‘Save America.’ Ep 1

- Maret 01, 2019



We see it happen over and over: Someone gets cast in a television show or movie: “Here — wear this, stand there, and say these words.”

Fast-forward to them solving the world’s problems (here and here).

Why why why why why??

Oh well.

Last year, actress Jennifer Lawrence announced she was taking a year off to save the country.

Here’s what she told Entertainment Tonight at the time:

“I’m going to take the next year off. I’m going to be working with this organization as a part of (anti-corruption organization) Represent.US…trying to get young people engaged politically on a local level. It doesn’t have anything to do with partisan stuff. It’s just anti-corruption and stuff trying to pass state-by-state laws that can help prevent corruption, fix our democracy.”

Why would anyone want young people to be engaging in politics?

Oh, who cares? She’s going to fix our democracy! FINALLY!

She was also interested in saving the nation via expressing disdain for the president it elected:


Don Jr. didn’t much appreciate that:

Moving on:

She’s keeping her promise — on Wednesday, lovable Jen debuted — in partnership with Unbreaking America — the first installment of a new video series outlining her plan to “save America.”

For 12 minutes, the “self-educated” girl who dropped out of school at 14 lectures on everything from campaign finance law (here), gerrymandering, and voter registration (here).

The Daily Wire explains:

She wants universal voter registration for all Americans when they turn 18, an end to gerrymandering (but probably only the kind that ultimately benefits Republicans) and an end to corporations’ involvement in the political process (though it’s clear she’s referring only to dastardly capitalist enterprises, and not, say, the mutli-million-dollar union slush funds that finance Democratic campaigns).

Well that sounds nice.

This may be of note as well:

Lawrence encourages viewers of “Unbreaking America” to visit Represent.Us and commit to supporting one of the group’s many “American Anti-Corruption Acts,” at the federal, state, or local level. Represent.Us goes on to highlight its anti-gerrymandering pledge, and, of course, its voter registration drives.

Ironically, according to the Capital Research Center, for an organization hell-bent on getting money out of politics, Represent.Us is supported by some of the most generous political donors on the Left, including the George Soros-backed Tides Foundation and the “Park Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, and many other left-of-center groups. In 2016 alone, Represent.Us received over $5 million in donor contributions and grants.”

It also remains unclear where in the paradigm of American salvation lies her support for Planned Parenthood, which donated over $730,000 to political candidates in 2012 alone. Perhaps that’s in Episode 2.

Enjoy the video below.

P.S. Why would an actor ever believe they have the complex answers the planet has — for some unknown reason — failed to manifest yet? It’s a disturbingly repetitive occurrence. Nonetheless, I’m willing to believe Jennifer’s heart is in the right place. And I appreciated her film by the name of that component she can truly offer on celluloid, if not in the arena of ideas: Joy.



Relevant RedState links in this article: herehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Time magazine vs. Trump, military transgenderism vs. Trump, and the whole world vs. Iran.

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