
Video: Muslim Woman Confronts Chelsea Clinton, Accuses Her of “Stoking” New Zealand Terror Attack Massacre With Ilhan Omar Criticism

- Maret 16, 2019

Chelsea Clinton was confronted by an angry Muslim woman as she attended a memorial at NYU Friday evening for the victims of Friday’s terror attacks that massacred 49 Muslims at two New Zealand mosques. The Muslim woman blamed Clinton for the attacks because she criticized the anti-Semitism of Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

Earlier on the day, Clinton posted a statement condemning the attacks, “Heartbroken & horrified by the white nationalist terrorist attack during Jummah on the mosques and Muslim community in Christchurch. Keeping all affected by this tragedy in my heart and prayers. We need a global response to the global threat of violent white nationalism.”

The Muslim woman was outrage at Clinton’s attendance at the memorial, aggressively confronting the visibly pregnant Clinton and jabbing her fingers at Clinton.

Angry Muslim Woman: “After all that you have done and all this…that you stoked”

Chelsea: “I’m so sorry that you feel that way. It certainly is never my intention. I do believe words matter. I believe we have to show solidarity.”

AMW: “They do matter. And this right here is the result of a massacre stoked by people like you and the words that you have put out into the world. And I want you to know that. And I want you to feel that deep inside. That 49 people died because of the rhetoric that you put out there.”

(Sound of aggressive finger snapping by mob.)

Chelsea: “I’m so sorry…”

Screen images show aggressive confrontation with a visibly pregnant Chelsea Clinton.

The Palestinian-American woman who confronted Clinton later wrote, “the CAUCASITY that chelsea clinton has showing up to a vigil for the 49 muslims massacred in an islamophobic hate crime after STOKING ISLAMOPHOBIA AND RACISM surrounding ilhan omar…. fucking ridiculous.”


UPDATE: Original poster temporarily closed her account and then reopened it. Mirror image:

The poster of the video explained her and her friend’s background and motivation going after Clinton.

“. is a Palestinian Mulsim & I am an American-Israeli Jew. We stand united against Islamophobia and for Palestine. We will not make apologies for people who devalue Palestinian lives. We will call out Islamophobia, no matter the source & we won’t apologize. Goodnight.”


Comments by Muslim woman who confronted Clinton:

Last month Clinton tweeted criticism of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism.

UPDATE: Claim woman was wearing a Bernie Sanders 2020 t-shirt sold at Sanders’ campaign website:

The post Video: Muslim Woman Confronts Chelsea Clinton, Accuses Her of “Stoking” New Zealand Terror Attack Massacre With Ilhan Omar Criticism appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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