In May 2017 Former Attorney General Sally Yates went before Congress and testified about General Michael Flynn being compromised by Russia.
Yates knew General Michael Flynn was not compromised.
She lied anyway.
The Deep State was listening in on all of General Flynn’s conversations. They knew Russia had nothing on him. They knew this was a lie.
We also know that a Deep State spy set up General Flynn. And Flynn not only reported his trip to Russia before he went, he also took training on how to act and then provided the intelligence community information upon his return on what he learned. All of this information has been kept quiet by the intelligence community for two years until early this year.
Yates hid this evidence from Congress.
So will Sally Yates face justice for lying to Congress?
Via Rosie Memos.
LIAR. #IndictYates @TheJusticeDept @SallyQYates
— Rosie memos (@almostjingo) March 25, 2019
So this is rich…
On Friday the former Attorney General and deep state hack wrote a column in the Washington Post on honesty.
She has no shame.
The Washington Post reported:
America’s justice system is built upon one thing — truth. When witnesses give testimony, they are sworn to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” The word “verdict” derives from the Latin term “veredictum,” meaning “to say the truth.” Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, a public servant with impeccable integrity, was entrusted to find the truth regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election and has spoken through a comprehensive report that details the facts that he uncovered.
Yet a week after Mueller issued his report, we don’t know those facts and have only been provided with Attorney General William P. Barr’s four-page summary of Mueller’s estimated 400-page report. It is time for the American people to hear the whole truth. We need to see the report itself.
First, as the attorney general’s letter to Congress notes, the Mueller report “outlines the Russian effort to influence the election and documents crimes committed by persons associated with the Russian government in connection with those efforts.” Congress has a solemn responsibility to protect our democracy. Without access to the full factual record of what the special counsel uncovered, it cannot fulfill that mandate. As you read this, the Russian government is undoubtedly hard at work to undermine our next election. Each day that passes without Congress having access to the full Mueller report is a day that Congress is prevented from doing its job of keeping our elections free from Russian espionage efforts.
The post Skunk Sally Yates Lectures About ‘Honesty’ After She Is Caught Lying About General Flynn and Russia appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.