
Rand Paul to Introduce Amendment to Mueller Report Resolution That Demands Release of Obama’s Communications Concerning Decision to Investigate Trump Campaign

- Maret 29, 2019

Senator Rand Paul is introducing an amendment to the House-passed resolution on releasing the Mueller Report that demands more information on the origins of the Obama Administration’s decisions concerning the investigation of Donald Trump and his campaign, particularly the use of the “unverified and patently false” Steele dossier.

The amendment also demands public release of all of President Barack Obama’s communications concerning the decision to investigate the Trump Campaign and public release of all communications or reports concerning the decision not to indict Hillary Clinton or the Clinton Foundation.

According to a press release from the Kentucky senator’s office, the amendment calls for the public release of all information and communications involving James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Susan Rice, Barack Obama, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Loretta Lynch, Bruce Ohr, or anyone else in the Obama Administration concerning the Steele dossier or investigating Donald Trump and his campaign.

It also calls for John Brennan, who allowed the Central Intelligence Agency to spy on computers of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, to testify under oath and provide to Congress all his records and communications regarding the 2016 election and calls for James Clapper, who lied to the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate about a secret surveillance program that was gathering all phone data of people in the United States, to testify under oath and provide to Congress all his records and communications regarding the 2016 election.

The post Rand Paul to Introduce Amendment to Mueller Report Resolution That Demands Release of Obama’s Communications Concerning Decision to Investigate Trump Campaign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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