
Pelosi BURNS AOC: Green New Deal Isn’t What We’re Looking For

- Maret 01, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was all smiles with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the cover of their Rolling Stone puff piece, but open up the interview with Pelosi and you’ll find a strike at the young democratic socialist’s heart.

Within the Rolling Stone interview, Pelosi once again took aim at Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal and dismissed it like so much trash, even making it a show of having one of her staff fill her in about some of the nonsense that was in it.

Rolling Stone’s interviewer turned to speak about special interests from energy companies in politics, which Pelosi acknowledged, and noted that it was an issue that needs to be taken to the public. Suddenly, Pelosi switched gears and spat on the Green New Deal:

Now, in terms of the Green New Deal [as conceived], that goes beyond what our charge is. Our charge is about saving the planet. They have in there things like single-payer and . . .  what is it? Guaranteed income?

Pelosi Deputy Chief of Staff Drew Hammill: Guaranteed income, and then a jobs guarantee.

Pelosi: And then they have, I don’t know if it’s single-payer or Medicare for All. . . . It’s kind of, like, a broader agenda. All good values, but nonetheless, not what we hope to achieve with this focused, determined, decision-making: You’re either for the planet or you are not. There is no “plan B” for the planet. We have to preserve it, and it is in great jeopardy.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has struck AOC’s Green New Deal down in public. Not long ago, Pelosi smiled as she talked about the legislation like it was a child’s drawing, going so far as to call it by the wrong name.

“The green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they’re for it right?” said Pelosi to reporters.

The legislation is, for all intents and purposes, a total dumpster fire. Recently, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared that a vote would be brought to the floor over the Green New Deal. As the legislation is the most ridiculous thing to come out of the Democratic party in some time, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer was less than pleased to have to vote on it.

Becket Adams of the Washington Examiner had the best take:

The decision by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to force a vote on the preposterous Green New Deal proposal championed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., is having what I suspect is its intended effect. To wit, it is making Democratic leaders look ridiculous. It leaves them with no choice but to denounce McConnell for bringing a vote on a proposal put together by members of their own caucus.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., for example, complained Wednesday that McConnell would stoop so low as to, uh, force a vote on a bill drafted by a Democratic senator and sponsored by 11 Senate Democrats.


Despite tremendous support for the legislation from various Democrats, Democratic leaders are not at all thrilled. Pelosi, herself, seems to believe that she can spit on this dumpster fire until it goes out.

The post Pelosi BURNS AOC: Green New Deal Isn’t What We’re Looking For appeared first on RedState.


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