
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Goes Full AOC Commie: Plenty of money in this country and the world, it’s just in the wrong hands

- Maret 11, 2019

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) went full Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez communist in a statement posted to Twitter Sunday morning, proclaiming there is a conspiracy to keep working people down that keeps the plentiful money in the country and the world in the “wrong hands”.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, screen image.

“All over this country people are working harder and harder, but getting less and less. It‘s not an accident. It’s an agenda to ensure that working people won’t get ahead.”

“Brothers and sisters, there is plenty of money in this country. There is plenty of money in this world. It’s just in the wrong hands.”

de Blasio’s statement came the morning after a late night report by the New York Post warning the City faces a financial crisis as de Blasio has jacked up spending.

…As tax-fleeced businesses and individuals flee en masse, and city public spending surges into the stratosphere, financial analysts say Gotham is perilously near total fiscal disaster.

Long-term debt is now more than $81,100 per household, and Mayor de Blasio is ramping up to spend as much as $3 billion more in the new budget than the current $89.2 billion.

“The city is running a deficit and could be in a real difficult spot if we had a recession, or a further flight of individuals because of tax reform,” said Milton Ezrati, chief economist of Vested…

CNBC reported Friday that New York state is conducting highly intrusive investigations of wealthy residents who have fled the high tax state.

  • New York conducted about 3,000 “non-residency” audits a year between 2010 and 2017, collecting around $1 billion, according to a data company.
  • New York is looking at cellphone records, social media feeds, and veterinary and dentist records in verifying residency.
  • Auditors are even conducting in-home inspections to look inside taxpayers’ refrigerators.

Meanwhile de Blasio’s wife is facing scrutiny for the handling of $850 million in funds  for a mental health program at the same time a high dollar education mayoral initiative was shuttered due to failure, the Daily Mail reported last week.

Bill de Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray cannot explain where $850million given to the mental health program she champions has gone, according to reports.

In the three years it has been running, organizers at ThriveNYC have largely failed to keep records of the initiative’s achievements – and data that has been collected shows it lagging well behind targets.

Despite that, the program has been granted an even bigger budget going forward and is now on track to spend $1billion over five years.

…Meanwhile de Blasio announced earlier this week that he is mothballing his failed Renewal school program after spending $773million.

The aim of the scheme was to improve 100 of New York’s worst schools, but after three years of trying, just 25 of them improved enough to make it off the list.

Meanwhile, the same number either closed or were merged with other schools while under the initiative.

For de Blasio, money in the right hands appears to mean in Democratic Party run government slush funds and not in the hands of those who earn the money.

The post NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Goes Full AOC Commie: Plenty of money in this country and the world, it’s just in the wrong hands appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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