Babies can’t sue. They can’t pursue charges. And, maybe most of all, they can’t vote.
Neither can dead people.
That seems to be doubly enabling for some on the Left as of late (here, here, and here).
Count Sen. Kamala Harris among that group. When it comes to babies, she thinks if you wanna murder one, that’s between you and your priest.
Que Sera, Sera.
In an interview Wednesday, the congressional Democrat told TheDCNF she’s in favor of a woman’s right to abort her child up ’til birth.
I feel like perhaps I need to say that again, if only for myself:
An elected official said they’re in favor of a woman’s right to abort her child up ’til birth.
What’s more unbelievable is that Kamala’s entire party took a similar position in their rejection of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (here and here).
How can it be that a lawmaker is okay with murder? What is the good of law, at all, if it won’t oppose the taking of an innocent life?
Here’s what Kamala had to say:
“I think it’s up to a woman to make that decision, and I will always stand by that. I think she needs to make that decision with her doctor, with her priest, with her spouse. I would leave that decision up to them.”
So do what thou wilt.
As reported by LifeNews, Kamala also teamed with other Dems for a bill promoting abortion up ’til birth:
The so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” was introduced in Congress in 2017, with dozens of Democrat sponsors, including Harris and presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Beto O’Rourke, Kristen Gillibrand and Bernie Sanders.
Nicknamed the “Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act” by pro-life groups, the bill would have invalidated nearly all state and federal abortion regulations, including waiting periods, informed consent requirements, bans on late-term abortions and sex-selection abortions and more.
Polls indicate that legislation like the bill, which was similar to New York’s radical new pro-abortion law, is strongly opposed by voters. A new Susan B. Anthony List poll found that 77 percent of likely voters support legislation to protect infants born alive after botched abortions. It also found that 62 percent oppose bills to expand late-term abortions. Polls by Gallup and Marist have found similar results.
What in the world is happening in the Democratic Party? A dark blanket appears to be sliding across its soul. We can’t allow the conscience of America to settle in for a long winter’s nap. If we let go of the value of innocent life, it seems to me, there is very little else worth fighting for.
Wake up, Democrats. WAKE UP.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: Disney’s Pride, racist exercise, and three stooges.
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