
Disney-Marvel Millionaire ACTORvists Caught In Embarrassing Pay Flap

- Maret 02, 2019

A funny little story is making the rounds on the internet today, about Brie Larson’s potential need for a “butt double.”

Whatever. The story is pure fluff. What’s interesting is what’s accidentally exposed with this story, and it’s not Brie’s flat rear end.

From the linked article:

In one of the oddest and most humorous stories of the week, Marvel Studios is searching for a ‘butt double’ for reshoots of Avengers 4 due out next year. Disney is scheduled to begin a series of reshoots over the coming weeks as it prepares for a lengthy post-production. In a Georgia Central Casting Facebook page (GCC) ad, they call for additional photography and a ‘butt double’ presumably for Brie Larson who is set to play Captain Marvel in the latest film.

The Casting Call states…

****FEATURE FILM – Mary Lou****
Working multiple dates starting September
Location: Fayetteville, GA
Rate: $125/10

You see that? $12.50 an hour for 10 hour days to play a body double in a Disney/Marvel film?

Not only is Marvel the WOKEST OF THE WOKE when it comes to preachy Hollywood companies looking down their noses at America, they’re worth BILLIONS!

Here’s Brie Larson describing her role as Captain Marvel being her “form of activism”:

“The movie was the biggest and best opportunity I could have ever asked for. It was, like, my superpower. This could be my form of activism: doing a film that can play all over the world and be in more places than I can be physically.”

Larson does get back to her idea of turning Captain Marvel into an opportunity to push her activism. “Inclusion has to be a choice; it’s not happening naturally. You really have to fight for it.”

Amanat describes that Larson will push the activism during her global press tour for Captain Marvel, describing that she “has pledged to spotlight other women behind the scenes, insisting on gender and racial parity in the press and wearing mostly female designers.”

Larson is even launching a school to make her activism a reality. “My next goal is to start a school to train people in various jobs,” Larson notes. “There are so many great jobs. You like the weird alien blasters? You could be the one who makes them. We need young people to carry on this tradition in moviemaking, and it would be so great if we had more diversity coming in through that,” she said.

Larson goes on to state that she wants the studios to buy into her activism as well. “I don’t want to be successful surrounded by a bunch of people who look like me. That doesn’t feel like success at all.”

If you thought Larson and Marvel Studios might avoid promoting Captain Marvel through a lens of activism, you were completely wrong. It looks like Brie Larson will take it upon herself to use her Captain Marvel press tour to promote her personal activism.

“If you thought Larson and Marvel Studios might avoid promoting Captain Marvel through a lens of activism, you were completely wrong. It looks like Brie Larson will take it upon herself to use her Captain Marvel press tour to promote her personal activism.”

Isn’t that special! Too bad their activism doesn’t include the preachy cast forking over some of their millions to close the pay gap for the lowest paid indentured servants on their set. There are undoubtedly DOZENS if not hundreds of people working on that film for pennies compared to the riches bestowed upon the so called ACTORvists.

Also, note that they’re filming in Georgia. Could that be because Georgia’s minimum wage is less than HALF of California’s? It’s less expensive to fly/house/feed the entire cast and crew in GA than it is to shoot in Progressive California.

Is there a more hypocritical group of self righteous egomaniacs than Disney/Marvel?

Crossposted on Bright Start News

The post Disney-Marvel Millionaire ACTORvists Caught In Embarrassing Pay Flap appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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