Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) delivered the keynote speech at the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) 15th annual banquet on February 26th. She opened by saying, “‘We always said ‘the Muslims are coming’… I think we’re here!” The crowd roared.
She said, “We’re not only everywhere in all kinds of different governments but, mashallah, we’re in the United States Congress.” (Mashallah means “what Allah wanted has happened.”)
The video above contains Tlaib’s full remarks.
The video in @AmyMek’s tweet below shows Tlaib’s introduction by Hassan Shibly, the Executive Director of CAIR-FL. “Allahu Akbar! The first Palestinian-American Congresswoman, our dear sister Rashida Tlaib!”
The video presents one of Shibly’s tweets from 2014. It says, “With God as my wittiness (sic), Israel & it’s supporters are enemies of God and humanity! How many more children must Israel kill 4 U 2 C? #Gaza“
An ebullient Tlaib steps up to the podium. “Thank you brother Hassan.” She then says something in Arabic. The crowd roars again.
Tlaib began by taking a jab at President Trump. “And it was after this President not once, [not] twice, but three times issued a Muslim ban against our community. Thank you so much for inviting me to support a civil rights organization that is around the unified fight against hate and racism in our country.”
One of the big takeaways from the speech was an anecdote she told the audience involving the late Congressman John Dingell (D-MI). Tlaib said:
When I was a state legislator, I came in to serve on a panel with him on immigration rights, and Congressman Dingell was sitting there and he had his cane, if you knew him, he always had this cane and he held it in front of him. And I was so tired, I had driven an hour and a half to the panel discussion at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor campus. And I sit down, my hair is all messed up, and I said, ‘Oh, my God, I’m so tired of this. I don’t know how you’ve been doing it so long Congressman. They all lie.’ And he looks at me and he goes. (She nods yes.) I said, ‘You know who I’m talking about, these lobbyists, these special interest [groups], they’re all lying to me.’ … And he looks at me, and he goes, ‘Young lady, there’s a saying in India that if you stand still enough on a riverbank, you will watch your enemies float by dead.’
A huge smile came to her face and she said:
I don’t know why, you have to know, at that moment, I felt so much better. And I have no idea if that’s really a saying, I’m not sure, but mashallah, that’s the kind of person he was.
She felt so much better thinking about her enemies floating by dead. Does she hope to see all of us go floating by dead? That’s rather chilling.
Rashida Tlaib presents at HAMAS-linked CAIR-Chicago Conference
Rashida explains that envisioning her enemies (Lobbyists & Special Interests groups) DEAD brings her joy & inspiration
CAIR is established by U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s “Palestine Committee” which is Hamas in America
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) March 5, 2019
Ladies and gentlemen of Michigan, this is your Congresswoman!
My colleague, davenj1, wrote an excellent post last month entitled “The Four Horsewomen Of The Apocalypse: Rashida Tlaib – A Terrorist’s Best Friend.” He provides some background information about Tlaib and details her ties to terrorist groups. He wrote:
No doubt, the endorsement from the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) helped her over the finish line in a district looking less and less like Michigan and more like Gaza. In fact, her associations are with a who’s who of Islamic groups here in the United States: CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim Students Association, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America, among others. She spoke glowingly of the head of Islamic Relief USA- a branch of Islamic Relief Worldwide, an organization that some Middle Eastern countries have designated a terrorist organization.
This is a woman who told supporters within hours of taking her oath of office that she was going to “impeach the mother***er!” And earlier this week, Tlaib, who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, told reporters she would like to introduce articles of impeachment this month.
Someone needs to tell her the timing is not quite right for two reasons. First, they must wait until they’re closer to the 2020 election for the maximum impact. Second, and most importantly, they need to find a trivial little thing called evidence.
They are hopeful that out of the six current House committee investigations, one will provide them with a valid rationale for impeaching the President.
Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and their like-minded associates make no attempt to hide their agenda. In fact, they are open about their intentions. Republicans must fight back hard against the growing Muslim threat to the US.
If we don’t act, they will one day be able to declare “Mashallah.”
The post Creepy Video of Rashida Tlaib’s Speech at CAIR-Chicago Event: ‘We Always Said ‘The Muslims Are Coming’… I Think We’re Here!’ appeared first on RedState.