
Confirmed: Obama Waited Until After 2016 Election to Screw Israel out of Fear of Putting Political Pressure on Crooked Hillary

- Maret 30, 2019

Obama never much liked Israel and he proved it with his policies.

In December 2016, in a final despicable act against Christians and Jews, Barack Obama effectively signed over Christendom’s and Judaism’s holiest sites to radical Muslim groups.

Barack Obama refused to veto a Security Council resolution condemning settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. The resolution effectively turns over the Old City to Palestinian groups.

The Palestinians are led by Hamas terrorists in Gaza and Fatah Islamists in the West Bank. Obama thought this was a good move. And Obama was behind the disgusting anti-Israeli resolution.

Jewish leaders were very upset with the move.

This week The New York Times reported that Obama waited until after the election to screw Israel for fear of putting pressure on Hillary Clinton.

Barack Obama was the most anti-Israel president in US history. The far left radical at every turn sided against Israel. He refused to veto a Security Council resolution against Israel as one of his final acts.

The Free Beacon reported:

A former Obama administration official said the administration orchestrated the delaying of a controversial anti-Israel United Nations resolution until after the 2016 presidential election, knowing it would pass when the United States abstained.

The official’s claim contradicts on-the-record denials by Obama administration officials, who attacked critics at the time who suggested they were involved in its drafting.

Speaking anonymously to the New York Times, the official said the White House feared putting pressure on Hillary Clinton to either condemn or defend the resolution against Israeli settlements and potentially upset Jewish donors during her election fight against Donald Trump. The U.S. decision to abstain on U.N. Security Council resolution 2334 was widely viewed as a parting shot by Obama at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“There is a reason the U.N. vote did not come up before the election in November,” the former official said, in a portion of the report flagged by Jewish Insider. “Was it because you were going to lose voters to Donald Trump? No. It was because you were going to have skittish donors. That, and the fact that we didn’t want Clinton to face pressure to condemn the resolution or be damaged by having to defend it.”

The post Confirmed: Obama Waited Until After 2016 Election to Screw Israel out of Fear of Putting Political Pressure on Crooked Hillary appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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