
Brilliant! Rand Paul Blocks Resolution for the Release of Mueller Report Until Communications Also Released of Crooked Obama Officials

- Maret 30, 2019

Senator Rand Paul blocked a resolution by Senate Democrats for the release of the Mueller Report. Paul also wants communications released of Crooked Obama officails who spied on candidate Trump including: John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Loretta Lynch and Bruce Ohr.

Watch Democrats fold in about two seconds.

The Hill reported:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) blocked a resolution calling for special counsel Robert Mueller’s report to be made public, arguing that Congress should also call for the release of communications and testimony from Obama-era officials.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), who is one of several Democratic senators running for president, tried to get unanimous consent for the Senate to pass the resolution, which cleared the House in a 420-0 vote earlier this month.

“We still have not seen the report. I have urged the Department of Justice to release the report, and the administration should not delay in producing the report to Congress,” Klobuchar said.

But Paul objected because Klobuchar wouldn’t agree to amend the nonbinding resolution to include provisions calling for the public release of communications between several Obama-era officials including former President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan.

“We need to know was there malfeasance, was there misuse of power, did President Obama’s administration get involved in an election to infiltrate the Trump campaign to trap them? … We need to know that,” he said. “What we need to discover and we do not yet know: Was President Obama involved?”

The post Brilliant! Rand Paul Blocks Resolution for the Release of Mueller Report Until Communications Also Released of Crooked Obama Officials appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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