There was a long period in America — perhaps up to the 1980’s and even 90’s — when Left and Right were largely political designations. Big government, small government, individualism, collectivism…voters differed in ways relegated to, mostly, what to do with money.
Man, has that changed.
The Left has attempted a coup. A revolution seemingly aimed at soaking every component of daily life. A revolt against normalcy, propelled by cultural Marxism. Everything is racist, everything is outrageous, everything is offensive, everything is barred. You can’t say this, you can’t acknowledge that. You can’t wear this, you can’t go there. The obvious is not true, and the clearly false is the reality of the day.
Science? Truth? Nope. It’s your truth, so long as your truth coincides with our truth, which — in truth — has nothing to do with the truth.
White? Male? Straight?
Then ya get a little bit o’ this:
Conservative? Traditional? Christian? You’re suffering from myriad oppressive phobias.
What the heck is happening??
Amid this chaotic swirl of the Woke Problematic comes Kendall Jenner’s appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. The sister of billionaire communist Kylie (explained here) surely lit up horrified social justice warriors the world over with her castigation of…bananas.
As reported by Fox News:
Jenner said she didn’t care for bananas for the simple reason that her father, Olympic athlete Caitlyn Jenner, ate them too frequently.
“My dad ate them all the time,” Jenner told Fallon. “And my dad carpooled (sister) Kylie and I back and forth from school, and would eat them in the morning, would eat them when he would pick us up, and would golf all day and would have bananas on him. So I think the smell just over and over, like started to get to me.”
Kendall called Caitlyn Jenner, who — according to the Rules Which Must Be Obeyed — is a woman…
…A woman…
…It has been declared by All Who Matter, Caitlyn is a WOMAN…
…Yet, Kendall referred to him as “dad” — a male designation — and even worse, “he” and “him.”
Where is the outrage? Where are the accusations of “transphobia”?
In a different or previous world, there’d be nothing wrong with Kendall’s words.
But if Ben Shapiro can’t say Caitlyn’s a dude, then why can anyone say such? What about Zoey Tur (below)? Or Miss Universe Spain (here, here, and here)?
Pick a lane, Left.
Either it’s unacceptable to call Caitlyn a man, or it isn’t.
I’m only asking for consistency where it concerns, not only everyone’s liberty to present themselves however they wish (which I heartily support), but people’s freedom to speak their mind.
Back to Ben, people weren’t nearly so friendly as Jimmy Fallon when the conservative commentator referred to Caitlyn and previously-named pilot Robert Albert Tur (now Hanna Zoey) as male, on HLN’s Dr Drew in 2015. Please see the contrast in the videos below.
We live in an ever-crazy world (like here, here, here, and the video here). It sure was easier to navigate, back before the uprising.
These days, the whole society seems to be Kendall’s worst nightmare: It’s totally bananas.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: the great Rob Schneider, the depressed Linsdey Graham, and the racist Obama.
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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The post TV Star Repeatedly Calls Caitlyn Jenner a Man on ‘The Tonight Show.’ Why Wasn’t She Ben Shapiro’d? appeared first on RedState.