
Trump Launches the Women’s Global Development & Prosperity Initiative, Lady-Lovin’ Left Go Crickets

- Februari 18, 2019



In case you haven’t heard, Republicans hate women. Which is strange, because lots of Republicans are women.

If you weren’t aware, only the Left represents women. Which is strange, because, from that side of the aisle, we’re progressively being told women don’t exist (here, here, here, and the video here).

Ready for some table-turning?

On February 7th, President Trump introduced a plan to bring economic prosperity to 50 million women worldwide by 2025. Ivanka Trump hailed the program for its “generous,” nonpartisan path to female empowerment.

The Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative will be funded by a $50 million egg from the U.S. Agency for International Development. The endeavor will partner with several private companies, such as Walmart and UPS.

From the venture’s official press statement, via Secretary of State Michael Pompeo:

In order to achieve peace and economic prosperity for all members of society, the United States promotes women’s global development and prosperity today with the signing of a National Security Presidential Memorandum by President Trump. The initiative will advance women’s economic empowerment through a whole-of-government approach to reach 50 million women globally by 2025. It will focus on efficiently and effectively directing our policy and programmatic efforts to support workforce development and women entrepreneurs, while breaking down barriers to create environments for women to participate fully in the economy.

The day before the enterprise’s signing, Ivanka wrote an op-ed in the The Wallstreet Journal outlining the WGDP:

This new initiative will for the first time coordinate America’s commitment to one of the most undervalued resources in the developing world—the talent, ambition and genius of women. This initiative aims to help 50 million women in developing countries realize their economic potential by 2025.

W-GDP establishes a cohesive three-pillar structure to support governmentwide programs and partnerships. Pillar One will advance workforce development and vocational education for women. This includes tailoring education and training to growing industries, creating more ways to connect local businesses to the global marketplace, leveraging technology and best practices to fuel productivity, and supporting women in job entry, re-entry, retention and promotion to management and leadership positions.

Pillar Two will empower women to succeed as entrepreneurs. Women own or run more than a third of all small and medium-size enterprises in emerging markets, yet the United Nations has found that less than 1% of spending by large corporations on suppliers is allocated to women-owned businesses. A recent study by the International Finance Corp. notes a $1.5 trillion gap between the credit female entrepreneurs in developing countries need and the financing they receive. Initiatives launched or championed by the Trump administration, such as the 2X Women’s Initiative of the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation and the World Bank’s Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, are already mobilizing more than $4 billion to invest in female entrepreneurs.

Pillar Three focuses on eliminating the legal, regulatory and cultural barriers that prevent women from participating in their local economies. According to the World Bank, more than 100 countries prohibit women from working in specific industries, which means 2.7 billion women are legally restricted from having the same choice of jobs as men. In 18 countries, husbands can legally prevent their wives from working and earning their own income. In many more, women are unable to inherit land or open bank accounts without permission.

As reported by NPR (one of the few left-wing places to find much information on the initiative):

In a memorandum, President Trump said the initiative will build on his administration’s “growing portfolio” of women’s economic empowerment programs, including the “Ivanka Fund” – a World Bank project that she created to award grants to development banks to support women entrepreneurs around the world – and other efforts at USAID and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).

Where’s the women-lovin’ mainstream media’s praise of the White House’s female fostering (On Valentine’s Day, the Washington Post pointed out “What Ivanka Trump’s new initiative overlooks about women’s empowerment”)? Where’s the hailing of a government gone right, aiding the — not fairer, but — better sex?

It’s likely your Democratic friends will never have heard of the program, unless it’s framed by #EvilTrump.

The folks across the aisle can close their eyes, stick their fingers in their ears, and sing all they want; but the Trump administration keeps chuggin’ along. And you, the readers of RedState, will continue to have a better understanding of the day’s, month’s, and year’s events than they.

Thank you so much for taking this ride with me through the goings-on of Washington, America, and the world. Of politics, culture, and news of the weird. For sharing this unique experience of the Trump presidency, social evolution, an online conservative community, and your perpetually great discussions in the Comments section.

I hope to hear from you below, on this latest ladycentric initiative.

And thank you again for reading. I’m honored by your time and engagement.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and the video here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Forever Woke, a Christmas miracle, and the funniest fight I’ve ever seen.

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