
Thanks to Liberal Judge’s Release of Repeat Sex Offender, Man Allegedly Rapes 3 Children in 1 Week

- Februari 07, 2019



Every now and then, a story seems to slip by. This occurred a week ago, but you may not have heard the news.

Last night, Donald Trump wowed many in the nation with the 96th State of the Union address. He championed liberty; but how can Americans live free, when much of the judicial system has taken up the left-wing mantle of soft-on-crime endangerment?

Case in point: the tale of Raymond Hernandez.

The New Mexican is accused of raping three children over the course of a week.

Hernandez was first taken into custody on January 15th after allegedly raping his girlfriend’s 13-year-old daughter and beating her friend; Judge Ernest Ortega let him out on bail. Fast-forward to arrest #2, this time for molesting a 19th-month-old toddler who lived in the same house as the first victim. Ortega released him again.

In neither case did prosecutors ask a magistrate judge to hold the accused.

Just days after posting bail for the second time, he purportedly raped a 5-year-old who lived next door.

After a statewide manhunt, the 29-year-old was captured in Colorado.


As reported by Fox News:

“I’m speechless, he needs to pay and I hope the judge puts him behind bars and keeps him there,” neighbor Gloria Lucero told KOB4 TV.

Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe told local media that he suspects Hernandez has even more victims that are unknown to authorities.

Finally (courtesy of ABC7):

The suspect could now may remain in jail until trial.

Raymond Hernandez is scheduled Wednesday to appear before a state district judge as prosecutor seeks to have him held without bail.

Our criminal justice system jumped the shark long ago. We need reform, and not just at the federal level. Furthermore, as for releasing those in custody, judges should consider as part of their charge the protection of society as well as the interpretation of law.

Lastly, children must be better protected from those meaning to do them harm. Some on the Left– as of late — seem far from on board, as they endorse the murder of infants (here, here, here, here).

Unless the culture can agree to protect the most innocent among us, hope is grim for — in the words of the 2nd Amendment — “the security of a free state.” Until then, the right to bear arms may be the only thing between you and those like Raymond Hernandez. But in cases such as his, a firearm ought to be outdone by a different arm, one they used to say you can’t outrun: the long arm of the law.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here.

See 3 more pieces from me: the Women’s movement gets flushed, masculinity gets toxic, and the woke get F’d.

Find all my RedState work here.

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