
TED MALLOCH: Salvini’s Italy: Author of Common Sense Business

- Februari 21, 2019

Guest Post by Ted Malloch

Dante’s famous poem, Inferno, described that poet’s vision of hell.

Today, Italy has found a new Virgil to find its way in the dark political woods and underworld, forward — to a brighter place.

That person is Matteo Salvini.

He is deputy prime minister and minister of the interior and the brightest Trumpian leader in all of Europe.

The ideologies of the past are moribund, and the personalities of the past are mere skeletons.

To be great again, Salvini says, Italy needs new leadership, inspired vision, and pragmatic plans.

It is time for a fix — a new governable coalition — based on populism and led by his right of center political party, The League.

Salvini has set the framework for a new way forward, free of the shackles, personalities, and history of the past.

He is dynamic, bold, courageous, and patriotic.

Italians now have a popular government that is giving them a sound footing, a better, growing economy, with more jobs, safer streets, and an end to open immigration.

It is skeptical of the EU and the Euro and reasserting national sovereignty in devolved decision-making.
How does Salvini get the given the results?

The answer: by moving through the stages of hell — Italy is now arriving nearer to the paradise they desire.

Follow The League…

First Circle – Limbo
The electoral stalemate demonstrates a limbo that shows nothing but uncertainty and chaos.

Second Circle – Lust
Past leaders — from Renzi to Berlusconi lusted again a return to exercise power. They were all rebuffed.
Third Circle – Gluttony
The corrupt system is sinking under its own dead weight and must itself be overthrown.
Fourth Circle – Greed
Too many in the past had their hands out and their palms greased, making Italy a poorer place and hurting its people.
Fifth Circle – Anger
The protest, rooted in anger with the entire system and its players suggests it is time to jettison the past to move on.
Sixth Circle – Heresy
Bad ideas and rigid socialist ideologies have failed Italy. It is time for reason, common sense, and pragmatism to come to the fore.
Seventh Circle – Violence
On the Left and on the Right violence needs to be avoided. It leads nowhere. Italy demands a truly free and safe public space, ruled by law and free of illegal immigration.
Eighth Circle – Fraud
Too many old tricks and shady schemes have led nowhere. They were dead ends. It is now time for truth and transparency.
Ninth Circle –Treachery
The treacherous ways of governmental intervention, payoffs, EU power grabs, and a fake currency required a turning.

The new way coalition of The League and populist Five Star Movement committed themselves and the broad-based Italian government to a new kind of politics, also rooted in Dante’s notion of, ‘better calling’.

It is from the start one where leaders kept their vows to the people.

It entails just and righteous behavior, free of corruption.

It shows a love for the transcendent and for humanity.

It exhibits practical wisdom and common sense.

The rulers themselves are fair and just.

It allows and encourages prayer and religious freedom.

And it provides for faith, love, and foremost – secular hope.

It appeals, like Dante to the “better angels” and is already leading to a better life here on earth, across all of Italy.

This government reimagines Italy and sees it as a beacon to the rest of sovereign European nations.

It is giving power back to the people.

Such a vision is not unfounded or impossible.

The League and its partners share the common elements and are forging a unique and historic constellation.

They are for the common good and national sovereignty.

With their leader, Matteo Salvini we witness a new kind of people’s leader – one who is saying — Italy can be great.

Salvini is bending the arc of modern history in his native land and with other partners will do the same across all of Europe as popular sovereignists win the upcoming May 2019 elections.

Dante would demand nothing less.

The post TED MALLOCH: Salvini’s Italy: Author of Common Sense Business appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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