
Post State of the Union Polls Show a Supermajority of Americans Approve of President Trump’s Vision

- Februari 07, 2019

screengrab from https://youtu.be/a4oRX0F9ek0


The flash polls are in on President Trump’s State of the Union Address.

This presents an opportunity and a challenge for the administration.

The opportunity, of course, is that it shows the administration is delivering on things that matter to most Americans. That shows from a policy standpoint that the GOP will not go into 2020 with sucking chest wounds like ObamaCare and an open-ended war. Indeed, the economic news alone should ensure President Trump’s reelection and regaining control of the House (assuming the GOP can recruit non-morons for competitive seats and mildly competent morons to run in districts the Democrats never should’ve won).

The challenge is the President himself. President Trump thrives on controversy, he is very much an adherent of the philosophy that the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. His advisers are more interested in running a Borgia court than an administration. If President Trump can bear down and focus and let whoever is White House chief of staff this week establish some semblance of discipline then the next two years have the potential to be memorable. If he doesn’t, a huge opportunity will be squandered…but they will be memorable anyway.

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