On Thursday, hoax orchestrator Jussie Smollett was released from jail on $100,000 bond. And he’s in the soup.
Upon his flying the incarceration coop, he took off.
The Empire actor committed to living “truly” (see the video here) ran from the exposure of his deception as press seemed intent upon shining a light.
As reported by ABC7 Chicago:
[Smollett] posted bond and was released from custody shortly before 4 p.m. [He] did not speak as he left the Cook County Jail and was blocked from the crush of media and cameras by a large bodyguard, who he kept hold of with his hands on his shoulders.
He got outta there.
Among those with Smollett when he left were his attorneys and what appeared to be a family member, possibly one of his sisters. He got into an SUV that then left, headed southbound on California. … He is due back in court March 14, when he is expected to enter his plea.
It’s strange how things can change so quickly: Just a little while back, Jussie was desperate for attention. So desperate, in fact, that he purportedly faked a MAGA-declaring, chemical-laced letter illustrating him being hanged and shot as a “black fag.” Then, he burned for the spotlight to the point of rehearsing a phony assault involving MAGA claims, racial and gay slurs, more chemical, and a noose (here, here, and here).
Yet now that he has what he wanted — the focus of the camera — he’s running from it.
Guess the old saying is wise: Be careful what you wish for.
Watch his frantic exit below.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: fingers in the ears, bats in the brain, and strangers in the house.
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WATCH: Actor Jussie Smollett released from jail on $100,000 bond after being charged with filing a false police report about alleged racist and homophobic attack https://t.co/tCmCMEwCWA pic.twitter.com/QVsEbznKLH
— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) February 21, 2019
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