
Louis Farrakhan Praises ‘Little Sister’ Women’s March Leader Tamika Mallory, Condemns ‘Wicked Jews’

- Februari 19, 2019



As part of the Nation of Islam’s “Saviours’ Day,” anti-Semitic, all-white-people-are-blue-eyed-devils Louis Farrakhan (here) honored Tamika Mallory, a key leader of the tanked Women’s March (here, here, here, and here).

During the tribute, Louis blamed the growing divide between the WM and Democrats on “wicked Jews.”

Dang it — don’t you hate wicked Jews? Everything’s cool, and Jews are totally great; but then all of a sudden…wicked ones.

Saviours’ Day — the NOI’s annual conference — was held over the weekend at Chicago’s United Center. As reported by The Daily Wire, among guest speakers, Jews were a favorite topic — including their ownership of the Federal Reserve, their institution of sharecropping, and their invention of pedophilia.

Here’s what Louis had to say about Tamika:

“The most beautiful sight that I could lay eyes on [was] when I saw, the day after Trump was elected, women from all over the world were standing in solidarity, and a black woman is the initiator of it.”

Okay…so far, so good. But:

“The wicked Jews want to use me to break up the women’s movement. It ain’t about Farrakhan; it’s about women all over the world [who] have the power to change the world.”

There we go.

Louis praised a whole chickpower group:

“Tamika, Linda Sarsour, Carmen Perez, our sister with the #MeToo movement, Black Lives Matter — the women shook the world the day after President Trump was elected.”

Additionally, he called Tamika his “poor little sister.”

What did those wicked Jews do to lil’ sis? This:

“The women organized, and all over the world women rose up and men in government got shook. Because when women rise, change is going to come. So when they saw that Tamika had helped bring that about, they came after her.”

Tamika attended last year’s Saviours’ Day, during which Louis called Jews — in the words of The Daily Wire’s Emily Zanotti — the spawn of Satan.

Well…I guess that would make them wicked.

Who knew Satan — like fish — spawns.

Perhaps the greatest goofiness of Louis’s statement over reasons for haters to take down Tamika is the reality that her critics attacked her because of Louis. Because he talks of things such as “wicked Jews.”

As referenced in my first paragraph, please learn all about this herehere, here, here, and here.

What does Farrakhan think of all you whiteys, and of God’s Chosen People? Well, here’s his promise from last year’s conference:

“White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through.”



See 3 more pieces from me: Jim Carrey attacks Trump women, Spies Like Us, and a statue-climbing nut gets convicted.

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