
FIREWORKS! President Trump Drives Blue Checkmark Mafia Nuts With Announcement of Fourth of July “Salute to America” Celebration

- Februari 24, 2019

President Donald Trump announced Sunday morning his plans for a special Fourth of July celebration at the Lincoln Memorial that has driven the Blue Checkmark Mafia on Twitter crazy, making their heads explode like, well, like Fourth of July fireworks, with some trying to find a way to stop the celebration.

Fourth of July photo via the National Park Service.

Trump said, “HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!”

The Fourth of July is traditionally celebrated in the Nation’s Capital with a reading of the Declaration of Independence at the National Archives, a fireworks display on the Mall, the Capitol Fourth concert at the West Front of the Capitol Building and a presidential party for military families on the South Lawn of the White House. In the 1980s, for a time, an annual concert was held by the Beach Boys at the Washington Monument.

The Lincoln Memorial has in recent years been used for pre-inaugural concerts by presidents-elect that would appear to be the model for what Trump has announced. Not announced by Trump is any mention if a military parade–perhaps another year.

Trump’s announcement set off fireworks:

New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers led the kook parade, “By co-opting the Fourth Of July — already a huge celebration for Americans in a capital city where he is deeply unpopular — the president again pushes the idea that love of country can only mean love of Trump.”

Progressive PAC VoteVets vowed to stop any military parade, “It is a shame that Donald Trump has decided to hijack the already-planned, non-political Capitol Fourth, to honor himself with a rally. If it involves the military parading to boost his ego, we will do everything we can to stop it. July 4th is about America, not Donald Trump!”

Comedian Tony Posnanski went “Nazi” on Trump with a suggested program for the event that includes a “breakdancing Swastika”.

CNBC White House reporter Christina Wilkie accused Trump of turning the Fourth of July into a Trump campaign event.

Reporter Zach Everson, who recently doxxed a private citizen working at Mar-a-Lago as a baker for being a Q-Anon supporter, smells a plot to benefit a sold-out Trump Hotel in D.C.

Writer James Gleick sees visions of Mussolini:

Never-Trumper Bill Kristol insulted Trump and  called for blocking his plans by the feds, DC and/or corporations:

One anonymous lawmaker thinks Congress may have a say:

Historians Kevin M. Kruse and Michael Beschloss see the ghost of Richard Nixon.

The Nation’s John Nichols sees Abraham Lincoln getting sick to his stomach.

Actors Alyssa Milano and Ed Asner prove yet again actors do not speak original lines:

The post FIREWORKS! President Trump Drives Blue Checkmark Mafia Nuts With Announcement of Fourth of July “Salute to America” Celebration appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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