
Ashton Kutcher Posts Pro-Life Tribute to Special Olympian Frank Stephens: ‘Every Life is Important’

- Februari 01, 2019



As I’ve written before, I like Ashton Kutcher. Avoiding the paradigm of the clueless Hollywood elitist, he comes across — in my view — as a humble and caring person who wants to better understand the world around him. And to improve it — hence, his efforts to stop human trafficking.

After November’s mass shooting in California, Ashton — a firearms owner himself — called for gun reform; though the stance garnered some negative reaction from 2nd Amendment advocates, he voiced his opinion in a reasonable and seemingly genuine way (here).

Well, if you disagreed with the actor on guns, perhaps you’ll give him the thumbs-up for his post to Facebook Friday.

Amid Democratic talk of abortion up ’til birth, Ashton — whose FB page has 18 million Likes, promoted a pro-life video of Special Olympian and actor Frank Stephens’s 2017 congressional testimony.

In the video, Frank — who was born with Down syndrome — speaks of mothers increasingly aborting when screenings show their fetuses to have the condition. He says that some believe he is not supposed to exist, but that he has value. Additionally, he calls for more research into the genetic disorder.

“I am a man with Down syndrome, and my life is worth living. … I don’t think I should have to justify my existence. … We are giving the world the chance to think about the ethics of which humans get the chance at life. … [W]e make the world a happier place. Is there no place for us in the world?”

Ashton’s caption was “Everyone’s life is valuable.”

The post has since been shared over 160,000 times.

Not everyone was impressed. One user labeled the position “abhorrent”:

“The idea that women should be forced into carrying a pregnancy that they don’t want is abhorrent. If you choose to continue a pregnancy after learning that the resulting child will have downs or some other problem, that’s great. Not everyone is capable of caring for a high need individual for the rest of their lives and maybe they don’t WANT to. That’s a personal decision that the government has no business butting into. Build roads, control air traffic, protect our food and medicine, etc. My uterus is not on the list of things that needs regulating.”

But then there were responses such as these:

“I was told that my beautiful 18 year old had Down’s syndrome when I was pregnant with her and that I should consider aborting her,” shared one woman. “I scolded the doctor and had my baby. She does not have Down syndrome but I didn’t care either way. She’s my angel.”

“Doctors told me my son had down syndrome when I was carrying him, and I worried my entire pregnancy,” said another woman. “My son was born a healthy baby and did not have down syndrome. In my experience Doctors are NOT always correct. I would have loved him the same either way!”

Watch the powerful video below, in which Frank calls abortion to rid the world of those with Down syndrome a “Final Solution.”

On to Ashton: For more evidence that the star — who’s way taller in person than you might expect — is a standup guy, check out his appearance before Congress, as well as his fantastic acceptance speech at the Teen Choice Awards.

If that doesn’t convince you, please see the bottom video, in which he emotionally speaks about his twin brother, Michael, who was born with cerebral palsy.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: nurse rape, GoFundMe scam, and pronoun gaffe.

Find all my RedState work here.

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