Wow. When you’re all about left-wing Democratic war cries and the Southern Poverty Law Center disassociates itself from you, you know you’ve really stepped in it.
Credit for a special foot-in-dung maneuver goes to the Women’s March, thanks to their stunning inability to keep from associations with anti-Semitism. Well, and a lot of publicized day-of-the-March craziness probably didn’t help, either.
As for anti-Semitism, I’ve reported on such ties several times, including here, here, here, here, and here.
And now, as reported by The Daily Beast, the SPLC’s pulled its endorsement. The March has also removed the organization — which was a proud member of the Women’s March coalition for the event’s first two years — from its sponsor list.
In fact, a couple years ago, the SPLC put out a press release in large-mouth praise of the March:
“As an official partner of the march, the Southern Poverty Law Center stands in solidarity with its organizers’ vision — that ‘women’s rights are human rights’ — and with the march’s mission to bring together communities ‘insulted, demonized and threatened by the rhetoric of the past election cycle. … [We are] dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Through our core issues, we work to protect the rights of the working poor, LGBT, and undocumented immigrant women whom the Women’s March on Washington seeks to unite.”
Again, when that organization abandons you, and you’re far left-wing…
Shoe, meet pile.
And so, no more endorsement. The official reason? “Other projects were a priority,” according to Jen Fuson.
Right. But why?
Surely, the distance taken is in direct relation to the degree to which the March has failed to sufficiently denounce Louis Farrakhan, who heads the Nation of Islam, a group on the SPLC’s list — of “hate groups.” Add to that inner turmoil and allegations related to anti-Jewish sentiment (here).
Of course, the SPLC isn’t the first to go. Debra Messing and Alyssa Milano both denounced the organization in the last few months (here); and the National Council of Jewish Women informed The New York Jewish Week Wednesday that it won’t be participating this year.
For more on the March’s shooting of its own foot and other puzzling moves, check out my article “Women’s March: What Are You Doing? From Racism To Shariah Law, You’re An Unfocused Mess.”
Learn a whoooole lot about the Women’s March and its supporters from the bottom video below. A whole lot. Amazing.
Did I say a whole lot? A whole lot.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: a man tackling women instead of women’s issues, politician & gunslinger, and my top stories of 2018.
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