Displaying anti-Trump messages and with vulgar imagery alongside small children, nearly all of the feminists at the Women’s March were lost for words when asked to specifically justify their contempt for President Trump.
The self-described “pussy-hat” protesters were also befuddled and triggered when asked how wearing a hat that symbolizes genitalia empowers women.
A protester, who said she attended the Women’s March to fight for “the rights of everyone,” became so profusely enraged when asked about her pink hat, she began stalking and insulting the reporter for questioning her, shoving her camera inches away from the reporter’s face.
“Do you think Trump has class? He rails on disabled people,” the protester screeched. “He rails on military, he rails on McCain. He’s railed on every walk of life. So you think he’s classy?”
She then threatened to dispose of the reporter’s phone.
“You can go away. I’m all done with you. Throw this [phone] in the garbage,” she yelled. “Where’d you come from? A hole?”
An Indian citizen wearing a Make America Great Again hat said he’s grateful to be in the United States where “your rights can’t get trampled on,” but explained that he had been repeatedly antagonized and called “racist” when walking amongst the crowd of self-proclaimed supporters of equal rights.
“I think we all can agree that we should make the country great because if the country is great, we are great,” he professed. “I’ve been called a racist over here. I don’t understand this logic if you’re a liberal. There’s Antifa and everything – I would love to talk to you guys, but talk to us. They are literally bringing microphones and screaming into our faces and calling us racists.”
As the Trump supporter described how the protesters relentlessly disparaged him, a crowd of “pussy” hat-wearing women gathered and began bitterly mocking and glaring at him.
When confronted about ridiculing the Trump supporter, a protester argued that “It’s really hard to see a hater on a day where there is so much unity and love of so many people.”
“The problem is that [Trump supporters] are on the attack generally, we have tried to defend ourselves. But yet, they come in again – they hate anyone who isn’t like them,” she bemoaned. “They want to build walls.”
h/t: XCluded Media
The post WATCH: Women’s March Protesters’ HEADS EXPLODE When Asked Why They HATE Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.