Before we get into it: If you haven’t yet heard, New York has voted to allow abortion up until the time of birth. Please read about this profound development here.
Now onto the story:
As I covered Tuesday, a University of Georgia teaching assistant posted recently to a UG Facebook page the potential need for white people to die. White deaths were needed to end slavery, he said, and perhaps more whites should’ve died at the time. Now, white death seems a natural necessity for black people to have freedom.
Witness his thoughts of racist death here.
Among other things, Isami claimed that “killing some white people isn’t genocide; it’s killing some white people.”
The stirring over his pro-murder assertions — which were dismissed by the school’s administration — snagged the attention of Atlanta’s WSB-TV, Channel 2.
He expressed dismay to the station:
“I’m confused why that is so controversial.”
Then he’s right — he is confused. Very, very, very confused (see great evidence of that, courtesy of his 2014 holiday card.
A WSB reporter asked the Philosophy grad student if he’s afraid of losing his teaching assistant position. His reply was a real head-scratcher:
“If they fire me, they’d be firing me for doing my job.”
Isami isn’t the only one calling for the death of whites — in one way or another — lately: there’s also this and this, among Hollywood and media.
As for the University of Georgia, some “leaders” are consulting with the state’s attorney general for avenues of action.
Isami’s hat in the featured photo calls for “Reparations for DOS (Descendants of Slaves).”
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here.
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