GoFundMe’s been in the news a fair amount as of late. In response to the partial government shutdown due to a hardline stance on both sides over the prospect of a border wall, a triple amputee veteran made national news when his fundraising campaign garnered millions — so far, over $20 (here, here, and here).
In addition, a weekend report brought news of a GoFundMe for Kentucky’s Covington High School students wrongly derided by the media (here). The page seems to have been deleted.
But all that glitters is not gold; and all that funds is not on the up-and-up. Beware that to which you give.
Put another way: Maybe find out about junk before you make a donation.
Case in point:
GoFundMe has refunded almost half a million dollars to generous souls who wanted to fight homeless via charitable contributions.
According to CNN, Bobby Whithorne — a spokesman for the funding site — confirmed via email that all the money’d been returned:
“All donors who contributed to this GoFundMe campaign have been fully refunded.”
Prosecutors say three nitwits — couple Kate McClure and Mark D’Amico, along with homeless dude Johnny Bobbitt, Jr. — conspired to dupe do-gooders.
CNN explains:
They are accused of making up a feel-good story about Bobbitt giving his last $20 to help McClure, who said she was stranded on a Pennsylvania highway.
Yep — it was all hogwash. In reality, the three met near a casino. A month later, the site went up and so did its earnings.
The con netted about $367,000, which was all deposited into McClure’s accounts.
Now the trio are looking at multiple charges, including second degree theft by deception and conspiracy to commit theft by deception.
What I don’t understand is this: When you donate to a GoFundMe cause, you can see the running tally.Does any homeless person need $400,000? It seems to me that a Whopper and fries woulda done. They’re called “homeless;” not “half-millionless.” If that’s a thing, sign me up; I’ll ring the bell in front of the super market. I accept checks, credit cards via my iPhone, deeds to homes and the transference of 401K’s. Your help is appreciated.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here.
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