A mother of a child who appeared in the viral video of students from Covington Catholic High School being confronted by Nathan Phillips, a leftist activist with a drum, tells the Gateway Pundit that the children have been victimized twice, “first by the media, then their own Diocese.”
The students and the mothers hope that the Trump administration will stand up for them.
On Sunday, we spoke with a friend of the most prominent student in the video, as well as a 14-year-year old who is currently being targeted for being in the video. We additionally interviewed the boy’s mother and the mother of another student who was present during the incident.
All names have been changed due to the overwhelming efforts of Democrats, celebrities, and the mainstream media to dox and harass these children.
When asked for a rundown of what happened, the 14-year-old boy, who we will refer to as Adam Smith, said that they were simply waiting for their school bus and doing chants when they were confronted.
“We went to the Lincoln Memorial because that is where our bus was going,” the student explained. “We were standing there when a group of four African-American protesters started calling us ‘crackers’ and ‘school shooters.’”
“So, we started doing school cheers, because our school is very big on school spirit. We have a lot of chants and cheers that we do, so we started doing them. Eventually, while we were doing that, the Native American man approached us and was banging his drum. He walked directly into the crowd and approached the one student that is all over the place right now. The boy just stood there. When I first saw it happening I was really confused. I didn’t know what was happening. I just saw this man approach a fellow student and start banging a drum in his face.”
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His mother, who we will refer to as Mrs. Smith, added that “they thought initially that he was on their side and drumming along to their cheer.”
“I was more in the background, so I didn’t see him coming up at first, but I heard the drum,” the student continued. “The man wasn’t alone. He had other Native American men with him, one of which got into the face of another student, actually. This was right in front of me. He was saying some things like ‘go back to Europe’ and ‘you took this land,’ that happened right in front of me. He was screaming at the student.”
Smith explained that after a while, the student who had the man drumming in his face just walked away. He also said that the chaperones had apparently been attempting to get the kids out of the situation, but that they could not really hear them over the drums.
“I saw them trying to get some people out of there — but nobody could hear them over the cheers and the drum,” Smith said.
At this point, Smith says Phillips left, but the African-American protesters returned.
“That’s when they told one of our African-American students — who is my friend — that when he gets older we will harvest his organs,” Smith said. “Which is insane.”
Smith said that the protesters were also using gay slurs to insult them.
At this point, the chaperones became alarmed and stepped up their efforts to get the children out of the situation — which the students promptly complied with.
Another Covington student who was not on the trip, but is friends with the main student who is being demonized right now also spoke to the Gateway Pundit. We will refer to him as Sam Jones, to protect his identity.
Jones said that though he hasn’t spoke to his friend much since the incident, he did attend a school-related event earlier on Sunday morning. He said that the student also spoke to the school’s priest, who agreed with him that he did not do anything wrong.
“If you watch the full video of his little stare down with the Native American, he actually tries to diffuse the situation between another student and Native American man,” Jones noted.
This kid, who's life is currently being destroyed, actually gestures to his friend to show Nathan Phillips respect during his drumming! All of it happening of course with another activist is screaming to go back to Europe because all he can do is be white? #CovingtonCatholic pic.twitter.com/OaK6MX5m2S
— Rosie memos (@almostjingo) January 20, 2019
He said that his friend has had to delete all social media and is in deep fear that he is going to be hacked. “He’s warning us all not to trust anything we say on Instagram because he doesn’t know what is going to happen at this point.”
“He’s a really nice kid and a good student. He comes into class and is always just trying to be friendly with everyone,” Jones said of the student who is being smeared. “He’s never said anything racist. He’s not a racist person at all.”
When asked if the student seems to be doing okay emotionally, Jones said that he and his friends have been trying to give him space.
“He was able to come to a school event today, so at least he can leave the house,” Jones said. “I think he’s doing alright. We’re all supporting him, none of us have abandoned him.”
The families also wanted to make it clear that there were no chants of “build the wall,” or anything else that could be seen as offensive. Mrs. Smith recited one of the Covington chants, saying that it could have been what Phillips heard.
Another mother whose son was present during the incident, who we refer to as Mrs. Adams, said that “it’s just terrible that they are being criticized the way they are.”
Mrs. Adam’s said that she is worried about the safety of the students on Tuesday when they return to school. The American Indian Movement Chapter of Indiana and Kentucky has called for a protest at the high school.
“I’m worried about their safety on Tuesday — people were threatening to shoot up the school,” Mrs. Adams said. “I’m worried about sending my child back.”
Mrs. Smith added that she “demands an apology and a retraction from the Diocese.”
“The politicians need to come out and apologize and set this straight. Even the mayor threw them under the bus,” Mrs. Smith said. “They need to apologize.”
Mrs. Adams added that the worst for her has been the Bishop of Covington throwing them under the bus. “That is the worst thing to me,” she said, her voice shaking.
“I personally think they were targeted because they had the MAGA hats on,” Mrs. Smith said. “I think it’s a shame that people are saying that we shouldn’t have let them wear them. It’s a shame that you can’t support your president in Washington, DC.”
Trump “is the first and only president to come out to support the March for Life,” Mrs. Smith added. “To get blamed for this because they were wearing a hat instead of blaming the aggressors — it’s blaming the victims.”
“Like I said, the Bishop here is literally victimizing the victims twice. They’ve already been victimized by the media, now they are being victimized again,” she added. “There is blood in the water and they are making it worse. They’re feeding the piranha frenzy from the liberal media. I just want people to understand that they need to wake up and stop believing the fake news and defend the kids.”
The Gateway Pundit asked the families if there is anything they would like to say to the Democrat mob of adult journalists and celebrities that are coming after their children.
“I don’t think you could publish it,” Mrs. Smith said, taking a break from the righteous outrage for some laughter.
“These students aren’t adults, these are kids — innocent children — and the adults should pause before they react when it’s children’s lives that could be ruined,” Mrs. Smith said. “And kids are so susceptible to bullying. I honestly thought, this kid could kill himself over this. What are they thinking? They could destroy this boy’s life, depress him, and he could end up committing suicide — and he did nothing wrong! These people, who are supposed to be adults, are jumping in and accusing him of terrible things — shame on them! Shame isn’t even enough of a word,” Mrs. Smith demanded.
Adam Smith noted that many of the children on the collage of photos that is being passed around the internet, looking for their names, are as young as 14-years-old. Many of them are freshmen.
“They’re really young,” he said. “They’re really going after kids. Half of us were just standing in the background and they’re looking for our information.”
He explained that like many other students, he has locked down his social media and removed any mention of the school.
Mrs. Smith said that this is a real shame because the kids who go there take such great pride in their school — hence the cheers.
“I would go pick them up after school and they would start doing their cheers — they just do it all the time. That’s how they say hello and goodbye. They’re so school spirited and it’s so awesome — and I feel so bad that this is being ruined now,” she said. “They have so much school pride and love for each other — these are really good boys.”
Mrs. Adams added that she believes that this is part of why they are being targeted — they’re good boys who went to protest on behalf of all life.
“I think they want to take away from the fact that the boys were there to fight for life,” she said. “They want to take away the good from these boys.”
Mr. Smith, the 14-year-old boy’s father, added that these kids were the perfect target for the liberal media.
The families wanted people to know that these are boys who grew up in Kentucky, they are not used to seeing protesters and picketing — let alone people drumming in their faces.
They also hope that the Trump administration and family will stand up for them.
“My son said, ‘wouldn’t it be awesome if Mike Pence or Donald Trump came to our school to stand up for us?’” Mrs. Smith noted.
The families have reached out to lawyer Robert Barnes, who has offered to help the families sue the media outlets and reporters who attacked their children.
The post INTERVIEW: Parents and Students From Covington Catholic Demand Apology From Diocese appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.