Anti-Jew Democrat lawmaker Ilhan Omar attacked the pro-Life Catholic Covington high school boys last week after they were viciously smeared by the liberal Trump-hating media.
Omar attacked the boys by defending the racist Black Israelite group who was hurling vile insults at the children.
Omar believed the boys were taunting the 5 black racists when the exact opposite was true.
The Black Israelites have a history of attacking Jews and gays.
Rep. Ilhan Omar supports this?
Via Frontpage News:
Extremist Hebrew Israelites have a long, strange list of enemies. At the top of the list are white people, who they preach are descended from a race of red, hairy beings, known as Edomites, who were spawned by Esau, the twin brother of Jacob (later known as Israel) in the Old Testament. Equally hated are “fraudulent” Jews, “the synagogue of Satan.” They’re closely followed in no particular order by Asians, promiscuous black women, abortionists, continental Africans (who, according to the extremist Israelites, sold the lost tribes of Israel, who were black, to European slave traders), and gay people, who according to extremist Israelites should all be put to death. (In December 2006, three gay men who were assaulted inside an Atlanta nightclub identified their attackers as Hebrew Israelites; no arrests were made).
The post Democrat Lawmaker Ilhan Omar Defended Anti-Semitic Group That Calls for Death for Gays appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.