
BREAKING: Corrupt Obama Deep State Applied for More than One FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump Team Including Newly Uncovered Bogus ‘Dragon FISA’

- Januari 13, 2019

Guest post by Joe Hoft

The corrupt FBI apparently applied for more than one FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.  We now know from the the transcripts of former and corrupt FBI attorney Lisa Page’s testimony in front of Congress that one of these requests was referred to the as the “Dragon FISA”.  We also know that they thought it was a joke.

According to Jeff Carlson at the Epoch Times, the transcripts from former FBI attorney Lisa Page’s testimony in front of Congress refer to a separate FISA warrant the FBI requested related to the Trump – Russia Witch Hunt.  This request was referred to as the Dragon FISA which was discussed at some point in the corrupt FBI agent’s testimony –

This discussion quickly led into another area—an Oct. 18, 2016, email from Strzok containing the subject line “Re: Dragon FISA.”

Page quickly noted that she could not discuss the matter in an unclassified setting—but would be able to discuss the matter with congressional investigators in a classified setting.

The Dragon FISA was referenced in an article by John Solomon in The Hill:

“In one email exchange with the subject line “Crossfire FISA,” Strzok and Lisa Page discussed talking points to get then-FBI Deputy DirectorAndrew McCabe to persuade a high-ranking DOJ official to sign off on the warrant.

“Crossfire Hurricane” was one of the code names for four separate investigations the FBI conducted related to Russia matters in the 2016 election.

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” Strzok emailed Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.

Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named “Dragon.””

At this point, the potential subject of the Dragon FISA remains unknown.

In her testimony the corrupt former FBI attorney Lisa Page appeared to be very dishonest in most of her replies.  This is especially the case when she refers to the campaign to spy on the Trump campaign or the FBI’s actions related to Hillary’s emails.  But regardless, we now know that there was another FISA warrant that was referred to as the Dragon FISA.

Per a review of the text messages by corrupt lovers Page and Peter Strzok, both of whom were also on the Mueller witch hunt, at around the same time, we also may have an indication that the “Dragon FISA” was something they could not believe they were even putting together.

In one series of texts, it is likely that they were referring to the Dragon FISA or something related –

Strzok: So. You come up with a codename? [redacted]

Page: [redacted]

Strzok: Ooh I like it. Want me to send to [redacted]?

Page: If you want.

Strzok: Why Latitude? (other than it sounds badass, and you came up with it)

Page: Trying to think of something loosely military, without being obvious.

Strzok: [redacted] YUUUUGE. Though we may save that for the man, if we ever open on him 😉


August 10, 2016 is only 10 days after Crossfire Hurricane reportedly started.  Because the the texts are referring to a codename that has been redacted by the corrupt FBI and that the individuals related to the discussion are also redacted, there is a decent probability that the discussion is related to the newly uncovered Dragon FISA since this is something that was covered up to this date.

The fact that the FBI crooks couldn’t believe that they were seriously looking at allegations related to the witch hunt shows that they were bold in their actions.  The fact that we are finally uncovering the Dragon FISA shows that there is much left to be uncovered and these crooks and former employees in the FBI can’t be locked up soon enough!  (Although the hope of any justice being handed out to any of these crooks appears to dissipate by the day.)


Hat Tip to Manny and friends

The post BREAKING: Corrupt Obama Deep State Applied for More than One FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump Team Including Newly Uncovered Bogus ‘Dragon FISA’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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