Social media erupted Saturday after selectively edited videos of Covington Catholic students were posted to Twitter accusing them of harassing and mocking an elderly Native American man.
The left, along with their mouthpieces in the media immediately called for these teens to be tarred and feathered — no judge, no jury.
Here are the cold hard facts about what really happened at the Lincoln Memorial this weekend:
According to one of the high school boys who was present, a group of black men were taunting the Trump supporters, calling them “shooters” and “crackers” and said the white kids “had everything given to them by their parents.”
At first, the Trump supporting teens ignored the black men who were harassing them, but after the blacks continued to taunt the white kids, the white kids began to chant back at them.
According to a witness, it was at this point that a Native American man showed up “out of no where” and began drumming in the high school kid’s face.
“We weren’t even chanting at him, we were chanting at the African American guy, but obviously social media made us look bad to get views and stuff,” a witness said.
TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported that the students begged local news stations to report the truth.
A video posted to Facebook shows the beginning of the incident. The students are off by themselves doing school cheers when Phillips and his fellow Native American activists walk over to them, beating drums and chanting, and enter the students’ space.
Another clip shows a Native American man telling one of the students, “white people go back to Europe. This is not your land.”
These Covington Catholic students showed incredible restraint after being ambushed and taunted. No crimes were committed and no one became violent yet the media is piling on the children and calling for them to be severely punished over lies!
Upon further review of the entire video, many people are now apologizing to the Covington Catholic teens, admitting they were duped by selectively edited video and ‘fake news.’
I just watched the unedited video of the high school kids at the March – they did nothing wrong, and I correct an earlier tweet
The left intentionally misreported the facts (typical) to destroy these kids lives to blame it on Trump
Media made this a top story to wreck lives
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 20, 2019
After the emergence of additional footage and conversations with the students involved in this incident, I felt compelled to speak on this and correct the record.
Even I, at first, was duped into believing the Left’s narrative on this and assigned blame to the students.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) January 20, 2019
Everyone who took part in the public smearing of those high school kids must now publicly retract and apologize. Pay attention to those who do not take ownership of their mistake. Remember to never take anything they say seriously again.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) January 20, 2019
I apologize to the Covington Catholic boys. What Rod Dreher says of himself goes double for me. I jumped the gun and that was stupid and unjust. It is I, not the boys, who needs to take a lesson from this.
The Catholic Bonfire At The Stake via @amconmag
— Robert P. George (@McCormickProf) January 20, 2019
Yesterday I had one impression of the maga kids from Kentucky. Now after seeing more videos I have a different more complicated impression. Makes all the hot takes seem silly.
— David Brooks (@nytdavidbrooks) January 20, 2019
All of those who have bothered to watch the fuller video, and especially those who initially rushed to judgment on the basis of partial evidence, should stand against this slander.
— Matthew Schmitz (@matthewschmitz) January 20, 2019
Here is a video clearly showing that Nathan Phillips approached the students. On the basis of the evidence we now have, I believe that people who issued categorical and one-sided condemnations of the students should retract and apologize.
— Matthew Schmitz (@matthewschmitz) January 20, 2019
I fell for the first edited video too. It's #FakNews and these kids are owed a big apology
— Megan🦊Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) January 20, 2019
Mike Cernovich says the high school boys were framed and new video proves it.
Those high school boys were framed, as NEW VIDEO proves!
— Mike Cernovich 🦍🇺🇸 (@Cernovich) January 20, 2019
The post Apologies to Covington Catholic Students Flood Twitter After Video Shows Teens Were Framed: ‘I Got Duped by Fake News’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.