
Rep. Nadler Says Trump Hush Money Payments with His Own Money Are “Impeachable Offenses” …But What About the Hush Money Payments from Congress?

- Desember 09, 2018

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), the incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, told CNN’s Jake Tapper today that President Trump’s hush money payments to two women with his own money are “impeachable offenses.”

Meanwhile, Congress paid has paid out $17 million in the past 10 years, public records show, for unwanted sexual advances by unnamed lawmakers.
The offenses were by unnamed lawmakers.
And the money came from taxpayers.

Congress wants to keep this information hidden.

So will Nadler reveal this information before or after he tries to impeach President Trump?

Trump paying hush money from his own pocket to two women is perfectly legal.

The post Rep. Nadler Says Trump Hush Money Payments with His Own Money Are “Impeachable Offenses” …But What About the Hush Money Payments from Congress? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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