The fight — or the lack of one — continues over the border wall.
And amid the political posturing, Lindsey Graham has written an open letter to Nancy Pelosi.
Oh — that would be open letterS.
Letters of the alphabet.
Sen. Graham posted the message to Pelosi on Twitter Friday morning, and he kept it short and sweet.
You may recall Chuck Schumer’s words to Trump last week: “Mr. President…if you want to open the government, you must abandon the wall. Plain and simple” (here).
Lindsey went a smidge simpler:
“To Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats: No Wall Money, No Deal.”
To Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats:
No Wall Money, No Deal.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) December 28, 2018
Highlighting the disingenuousness of politics, Schumer previously contended we have no money for the wall.
That’s right — a left-wing Democrat suddenly got religion about overspending.
Years before, however, Schumer, Pelosi, and Barack Obama all backed 2006’s Fence Act (here).
And despite the brick-and-mortar nomenclature, a fence is exactly what Trump has proposed (here).
The President has said he’s settled in for “a very long shutdown” (here).
Earlier this month, Lindsey indicated he’s ready to cozy up, too:
“If I were the president, I would dig in and not give in on additional wall funding — I’d want the whole $5 billion because the caravan is a game changer,” the South Carolina senator said. “$1.6 billion is available to the president, he wants $5 billion, and after the caravan, if you don’t see the need for additional border wall security, you’re just not paying much attention.”
Ronald Reagan’s son is onboard, as well, warning the Leader of the Free World on the 20th that this standoff is border security’s only chance (here).
So the stakes are high. Higher than the wall. But the Dems, so far, aren’t budging. Or budgeting.
Who will flinch first? If Trump caves, he’ll have lost major, major clout. If the Dems relent, the GOP will have triumphed. At this point, I can’t imagine either side bowing. Therefore, I predict a compromise. It’s the only way for anyone to save face. Otherwise, one side’s will be covered with egg.
‘Til then, I — like my fellow political writers — will be egging them on.
Nice tweet, Senator Graham.
P.S. I borrowed the “open letter” distinction from Molly Prince at The Daily Caller. I thought it was way too fun not too use. Thanks, Molly.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: Luis Gutierrez in way over his head, Forever 21 in a pickle over race, Barbie’s Ken in a whole new light.
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