Public domain image via CBP Flickr photostream
A couple of weeks ago, the left knocked itself out peddling a vicious and false story that the US Border Patrol had let a 7-year-old Honduran girl die while in custody. According to the initial media reports the girl and her father had been apprehended by the US Border Patrol, denied food and water, and authorities only cared about the girl once she was too far gone to save. This is from Bernie Sanders’s former press secretary:
The truth, as I posted, was a lot more complex. The girl and her father were part of a group of 163 illegals who surrendered to four Border Patrol agents in a remote area in New Mexico. The father certified that both he and his daughter did not have medical issues. They were given food and water. It wasn’t until they had been in custody for some six hours that the girl exhibited distress. A medevac helicopter was dispatched and with three hours she was in a pediatric ICU in El Paso, TX. It was there that she died some 17 hours later. And she didn’t die of any direct result of her journey…it wasn’t sunstroke or dehydration…she died of sepsis.
Now we have the hysteria heating up over another incident.
An 8-year-old migrant boy from Guatemala who was apprehended by immigration authorities near the U.S.-Mexico border died on Christmas morning, U.S. Customs and Border Protection says https://t.co/Rsbj9UrkIA pic.twitter.com/5Z0qX4UntY
— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 25, 2018
BREAKING: An 8-year-old Guatemalan boy died in the custody of US Customs and Border Protection on Christmas Day, the agency said Tuesday https://t.co/wP5StNeXkX pic.twitter.com/KXHZ48d2yX
— CNN (@CNN) December 25, 2018
And this is the take from the world famous #Resistance icon and Ponzi Scheme magnate:
BREAKING: An 8-year-old boy from Guatemala has died in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection today.
When is enough enough?
When do even the evil people in this wretched administration start feeling even a little bit bad?#ChristmasDay2018
— Brian Krassenstein (@krassenstein) December 25, 2018
What’s the whole story? We don’t know yet, but what we do know doesn’t seem to justify the befouled undies.
In the second case, an agent noticed Monday that the child had become ill. The boy and his father were taken to Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center in Alamogordo, N.M., where the boy was diagnosed with a cold, according to a CBP news release.
Later, he was found to have a fever and was held for an additional 90 minutes before he was released with prescriptions for an antibiotic and Ibuprofen.
But the child became more seriously ill Monday night, when he vomited, and was taken back to the hospital. He died shortly after midnight on Christmas Day.
I’m not sure what more one would have expected the Border Patrol to do.They noticed the illness. They had the boy sent to the hospital. He was treated and released. The fact that he later died might imply the hospital did a slipshod job (my daughter had roseola when she was one, because of her fever spiking we did a 2 a.m. trip to the ER, they diagnosed her with an infection and gave her antibiotics and ibuprofen which made the viral infection worse) or it might imply there was an underlying chronic condition that was aggravated by the journey.
One expects Krassenstein to defecate on the floor then do an headstand in it. That’s how he keeps his readers and marks happy. The tweets by CNN and CBS are deeply irresponsible as the imply the child’s death was related to being in custody when, in fact, the child’s life was prolonged by it.
This is part of an attempt by the news media, the open borders gang, and the rabid NeverTrump types to create a narrative that accuses the Border Patrol of standing by while illegals die in custody. The fact that we even know the number of deaths shows just how rare this is. We can’t stand idly by while the Border Patrol is effectively neutered by making them afraid to apprehend illegals.
Christmas edition of "Headline vs article" pic.twitter.com/JvU2yRRgkf
— Ben McDonald (@Bmac0507) December 25, 2018
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The post Knives Are Back Out For the Border Patrol As Another Smuggled Child Dies appeared first on RedState.