
Judge Orders Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti to Sell His Ferrari, Luxury Watches and Artwork to Pay for Back Child Support

- Desember 07, 2018

On Wednesday, Michael Avenatti finally reached a divorce settlement with his estranged wife Lisa Storie-Avenatti which includes $162,295.00 a month in child and spousal support.

An Orange County judge ordered creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti to liquidate assets such as valuable artwork, a Ferrari GT Spyder and a Rolex watch to pay for back child support and spousal support.

TMZ reported:

According to docs filed in Orange County, a judge ordered Avenatti to pay Lisa Storie-Avenatti $37,897 per month in child support, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2018. We’ll do the math for ya … it’s $454,764. The order also requires Avenatti to pay her spousal support of $124,398 per month, retroactive to Jan. 2018. That’s roughly $1.5 million.

Now, cut to Dec. 4, when both parties filed docs stipulating Avenatti write child support checks for $40k now, and another in January.

As for the balance … according to the docs, Avenatti agrees to hand over a bunch of his assets for Lisa to liquidate. The loot includes 5 luxury wristwatches — some worth more than $50k — a Frank Gehry sculpture, and several other expensive works of art.

Additionally, he has to hand over the keys to a 2017 Ferarri 488 GT Spider he was leasing. By the way, those go for about $300k.

And, there’s this — Michael’s law firm … Avenatti & Associates, is required to transfer, to Lisa, its interest in a 2016 Honda private jet.

Avenatti just can’t get a break.

In October it was reported that Avenatti was hit with a multi-million dollar personal judgement and his law firm was evicted from its Newport Beach, California offices for nonpayment of 4 months rent.

A few weeks later, Avenatti was arrested after his girlfriend filed a domestic violence report and restraining order against the porn lawyer.

On Monday, Trump’s lawyers asked a judge for $800,000 in attorneys’ fees from Stormy Daniels defamation lawsuit which was spearheaded and filed by Avenatti.

Although Avenatti’s arrest for domestic violence and other financial problems make him a perfect Democrat candidate, he announced last week that he would not be running for President.

The post Judge Orders Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti to Sell His Ferrari, Luxury Watches and Artwork to Pay for Back Child Support appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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