
Christmas Miracle: Doctors Baffled After Little Girl’s Inoperable Brain Tumor Vanishes

- Desember 18, 2018

Doctors are baffled and an 11-year-old Texas girl will be having a very merry Christmas after her inoperable brain tumor vanished without a trace.

Her family says that they were “praying for a miracle” and they got one.

In June, Roxli Doss was diagnosed with a rare and incurable brain tumor called diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, or DIPG. This devastating type of brain tumor can control your breathing, heart rate and the nerves and muscles that help us see, hear, walk, talk and eat, according to the Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Though there is no cure, Doss underwent weeks of radiation.

“The doctors guide us, but really the true guidance that we’re looking for is from God because that’s who we need our help from right now, and we’re really just praying for a miracle,” her father told local station KVUE in August.

Though it was thought to be impossible, the little girl’s tumor has vanished and she is back to doing what she loves — riding horses.

“When I first saw Roxli’s MRI scan, it was actually unbelievable,” Dr. Virginia Harrod with Dell Children’s Medical Center told KVUE. “The tumor is undetectable on the MRI scan, which is really unusual.”

The station reports that doctors double checked her scans just to confirm the results, and there is no sign of the tumor. Still, doctors are watching her closely and she will continue to undergo treatments, such as immunotherapy, as a precaution.

With no explanation to why it disappeared from doctors, her family believes that it was simply a miracle.

“Everyday we still say it,” said her mother Gena. “It’s kind of our family thing that God healed Roxli.”

“We didn’t know how long she would be healthy and, look at her, she’s just doing awesome,” added her father.

The post Christmas Miracle: Doctors Baffled After Little Girl’s Inoperable Brain Tumor Vanishes appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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